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         in GST from domestic transactions and  100 companies and revealed in the 4th  "A projected average expansion of 6.7
         8.5 per cent increase in GST from im-  Annual Corporate Governance Survey  per cent in this period will make India
         port of goods. "GST revenue net of  by Excellence Enablers Private Limited.  the third-largest economy in the world
         refunds for February 2024 is Rs. 1.51-                                and lift per capita income to the up-
                                            In the year ending March 31, 2023, the
         lakh crore, which is a growth of 13.6  percentage of women among the to-  per-middle income category by 2031,"
         per cent over that for the same period  tal directors in the top 100 companies  Crisil said.
         last year," it said.
                                            was the highest since 2018-2019 - ris-  India, with a GDP size of USD 3.6 tril-
         There  is  no  indication  about  rate  ing to 19 per cent from 15 per cent  lion,  is  currently  the  fifth  largest
         rationalisation in the near term.  earlier.                           economy in the world, after the US,

                                            According  to Section 149(1) of the  China, Japan and Germany.
         Government clears 3 semi-          Companies  Act,  2013,  every  listed  Crisil expects the economy to expand
         conductor manufacturing            company is mandated to have at least  to USD USD 6.7 trillion by fiscal 2031.
                                            one woman director. It is also manda-
         projects worth Rs. 1.3 lakh                                           Fiscal 2031 will mark the year when
                                            tory for every public company having
         crore                              a paid-up share capital of Rs 100 crore  India enters the club of upper middle-
         Government  cleared  proposals  for  or more and for companies with a turn-  income countries with per-capita in-
                                                                               come rising to USD 4,500, Crisil said.
         three semiconductor manufacturing  over of Rs 300 crore or more.
         units worth Rs 1.3 lakh crore, includ-
         ing the country's first fab manufactur- India  to  become  upper      Import  substitution  in
         ing plant by Tata Group and Taiwanese  middle-income country by       capital  goods  is  key  for
         Powerchip Semiconductor Manufac-
         turing Corp (PSMC) in Gujarat.     2031: Crisil                       economic growth: Minis-
                                            Crisil Ratings projected India's GDP ter
         This will be a big push to India's elec-
         tronics manufacturing set-up as the  growth at 6.8 per cent in the next fis-  "The capital goods  sector is key  to
         chips will be made within the country  cal and said the country will become  India's global manufacturing capacity
         for the first time.                an  upper  middle-income  nation by  for which import substitution of criti-
                                            2031 with the economy doubling to
         The Cabinet nod, which also includes a  USD 7 trillion.               cal components holds a lot of eco-
         project involving Japanese Renesas                                    nomic prosperity pushing India towards
         Electronics, follows Rs 22,000 crore  In its India Outlook report, Crisil said  global  leadership  during its  Amrut
         testing and packaging unit project of  the Indian economy will take support  Kaal," said Union Minister for Heavy
         US  company  Micron,  that  was  ap-  from domestic structural reforms and  Industries Mahendra Nath Pandey has
         proved in June last year (production is  cyclical levers and can retain -- perhaps  said.
         expected to happen by close of this  even improve -- its growth prospects to  Participating in the inauguration of the
         year).                             become the third largest economy by  Capital Goods Accelerator and Training
                                                                               Centre, SASTRA, a Deemed-to-be-Uni-
         Number  of  women  on              "After a better-than-expected 7.6 per  versity,  Thirumalaisamudhram near
         boards of top 100 firms            cent this fiscal, India's real GDP growth  Thanjavur, the Union Minister said that
                                            will likely moderate to 6.8 per cent in  the country's global manufacturing
         rose in 5 years                    fiscal 2025," said the Crisil India Out-  capacity relies on the capital goods
         The representation of women on the  look report.                      sector  having  a  huge  potential  of
         boards of the top 100 companies in  It  said  that  the  next  seven  fiscals  around Rs. 1,50,000 crore. The Centres
         India has improved in the  last five  (2025-2031)  will  see  the  Indian  such  as  the  one  at  SASTRA  could
         years, said a survey released.     economy cross ing the USD 5 trillion-  achieve at least Rs. 25,000 crore re-
         The findings were based on the annual  mark and inching closer to USD 7 tril-  duction in imports with a potential for
         reports and website disclosures of Nifty  lion.                       further savings, he added.

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