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         HC: Co-promoter also li-           fications  for  many  redevelopment  any  message in a  WhatsApp group
                                            projects in the city, said legal experts.  does not come in any provision of the
         able to pay refund in flat                                            conduct rules.
                                            Justice S V Marne focused on a legal
         delayed                            issue - whether a promoter who has
         Bombay HC has held that the term   not received any payment from an al- NFRA to look at feasibility
         'promoter' covers a co-promoter even  lottee can be made liable for giving  of ranking auditors
         if he hasn't got money from flat buy-  refund with interest under Section 18  National Financial Reporting Authority
         ers and is jointly liable under Real Es-  of Rera. Wadhwa Group Housing had  (NFRA)  chief  Ajay  Bhushan  Prasad
         tate (Regulatory and Development)  challenged joint liability on it as a co-  Pandey said the agency will assess the
         Act (Rera) to refund the amount, with  promoter for having joined in as co-  feasibility of ranking auditors on quali-
         interest, for delays.              developer in an SRA project in Andheri.  tative parameters and auditors ranking
         It said under the 2016 Act, which came  HC: Can't act against govt    companies on governance matters.
         into effect in 2017, 'promoter' has                                   Besides, he said, the agency respon-
         "been so widely defined that it virtu- official  for  private  WA     sible for assessing auditors or listed and
         ally includes every person associated  message                        large companies, will work with the
         with construction of the building", and                               Institute of Chartered Accountants of
                                            Madhya Pradesh HC has held that dis-
         it is not necessary that there has to be                              India and corporate affairs ministry
                                            ciplinary  action  cannot  be  taken
         an  agreement  between  every  pro-  against an employee for uploading  about responsibility of auditors around
         moter and a flat buyer.            posts in a private WhatsApp group.  fraud, which is an area  of concern
         "Even a person who is merely an inves-  "Any  message  in the  form  of  text,  since the guidance issued on the issue
         tor  (along  with  promoter)  in  the  photo or video sent in a WhatsApp  has not been very helpful.
         project"  and  benefits  from  it  falls  group is confined to the members of  Addressing a conference, Pandey said,
         within the ambit of 'promoter', it said  the group. It cannot be said that the  NFRA, which has reviewed and recom-
         while hearing an appeal by Wadhwa  message had been made public," ob-  mended 45 proposals of ICAI on new
         Group Housing Pvt Ltd against an Oct  served Justice Vivek Rusia.     standards or amendments to existing
         2022 order of Rera appellate tribunal  HC allowed the petition of ID Makrani  ones,  is  working  closely  with  the
         that had fastened it with the refund  against his suspension and chargesheet  agency to ensure standards are closely
         liability.                         for forwarding an alleged "objection-  aligned with global levels.
         HC's Feb 26 order has stirred real es-  able  political"  message  in  the  "Auditors are critical gatekeepers in
                                            WhatsApp  group  of  employees  in
         tate industry, said lawyers, as it an-                                financial information supply chain of
         swers a substantial question of law  Alirajpur district.              public interest entities. Value of inde-
         that many were tracking. It has rami-  The court order said that forwarding  pendent auditors report is not in doubt

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