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          allow customers to choose from mul-  bulletin. Hundred basis points equal a  plaints were received at the ORBIOs
          tiple networks like Visa, Mastercard  percentage point.              and CRPC in 2022-23, showing an in-
          and RuPay.                        Interest rates on TDs of more than one  crease of 68.24 per cent, due to in-

          It has also asked banks to stop enter-  year duration ranged from 6 per cent  tense public awareness initiatives and
                                                                               the simplified process for lodging of
          ing into exclusive agreements with  to 7.25 per cent as of December-end
          card networks. The move is positive for  2023.  The  lagged  effect  of  pass  complaints under RB-IOS," the report
          NPCI's RuPay cards because of their  through of policy rate increases into  said.
          UPI integration. However, most banks  deposit and certificates of deposit rates
          have flagship card products in partner-  has exerted pressure on banks net in- RBI gives banks and NBFCs
          ship with either Visa or Mastercard.  terest margins, the bulletin said.  a breather on AIF invest-

          In 2022, RBI allowed cardholders to  Depositors are making the most of high  ments
          store their card details in UPI apps and  deposit rates. On an incremental ba-
          make payments by scanning QR codes.  sis, TDs accounted for nearly 97.6 per  The Reserve Bank of India Wednesday
                                                                               cushioned  the  blow  on  banks  and
          While the circular applies to credit  cent of the total deposits during April-  NBFCs that invest in Alternative Invest-
          card  networks,  only  RuPay  has re-  December 2023 and the share of cur-  ment Funds (AIFs).
          ceived permission to integrate with  rent  account  and  savings  account
          UPI. The directive will be effective in  (CASA) deposits went down, RBI's quar-  The investments will exclude equity
          six months.                       terly  Basic  Statistical  Return  (BSR)  investments, but debt and hybrid in-
                                            data for December, 2023 show.      struments will continue to face addi-
          According to bankers, giving custom-
                                                                               tional  curbs  the  regulator  had  an-
          ers an option to choose card network                                 nounced earlier.
          will require major changes in IT sys-  Complaints received by RBI
          tems. For most banks, the issue of  Ombudsman  and  CRPC             It also eased the provisioning require-
          cards is a straight process - the cus-                               ments, giving relief to banks at the
          tomer applies online, the bank ap-  saw 68.24% jump in FY23          end of the fiscal year The RBI has also
          proves the application, and the card is  The number of complaints filed under  exempted investments by regulated
          sent for printing.                the  Reserve  Bank's  ombudsman    entities (RE) in AIFs through interme-
                                            schemes increased by over 68 per cent  diaries such as fund of funds or mutual
          Share of term deposits in         to 7.03 lakh in the fiscal 2022-23, ac-  funds. This could result in reversal of
                                            cording a report released.         some  of  the  AIF  provisions  which
          banks' total deposits up at                                          weighed on the performance of banks
                                            The complaints pertained to mobile/
          60.3% in Dec 2023:RBI             electronic  banking,  loans  and  ad-  and NBFCs in the third quarter ended
                                                                               December 2023. For instance, Kotak
          The share of term deposits in sched-  vances, ATM/debit cards, credit cards,  Mahindra Bank had made a provision
          uled commercial banks (SCBs) total  pension payments, remittances, and  of 190 crore and RBL Bank had made
          deposits increased to 60.3 per cent in  para banking, among others.  a contingent provision of 115 crore on
          December 2023 from 57.2 per cent in  The Annual Report of the Ombudsman  AIF investment.
          March 2023, according to RBI's quar-  Scheme 2022-23 is the first stand-alone
          terly data.                       report under the Reserve Bank Inte-  "With a view to ensuring uniformity in
                                                                               implementation among the REs, and
          Rising return on term deposits (TDs) is  grated Ombudsman Scheme (RB-IOS),  to address the concerns flagged in vari-
          driving the compositional shift in de-  2021 elucidating the activities of the  ous  representations  received from
          posits of SCBs, the central bank said.  22  Offices  of  the  RBI  Ombudsman  stakeholders, it is advised that down-
                                            (ORBIOs), Centralised Receipt and Pro-
          The weighted average domestic term                                   stream investments shall exclude in-
                                            cessing Centre (CRPC) and the Contact
          deposit rate (WADTDR) on fresh and                                   vestments  in  equity  shares  of  the
          outstanding deposits increased by 246  Centre during the year.       debtor company of the RE, but shall
          basis points (bps) and 180 bps, respec-  "Under RB-IOS, 2021, there was a sig-  include all other investments, including
          tively, during May 2022 to December  nificant increase in number of com-  investment in hybrid instruments," RBI
          2023 period, per RBI's latest monthly  plaints and a total of 7,03,544 com-  said in acircular.

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