P. 6


          told IANS. She will also build partner-  Bank for a period of three years, with  encashed up to 255 days at the time
          ships with multilateral and bilateral  effect the date of assumption of office  of retirement/upon death of an em-
          agencies, foundations and networks,  on or after March 10, or until further  ployee while in service, it said.
          and share knowledge of what works,  orders, whichever is earlier," Indian
                                                                               For  the  retired  employees,  it  was
          where and why.                    Bank said in a BSE filing.
                                                                               agreed  that  the  monthly  ex-gratia
                                            Singh, an agriculture graduate from  amount shall be paid in addition to the
          SBI obeys SC order, sub-          Allahabad Agriculture Institute, has  pension/family pension paid by the

          mits details of poll bonds        banking experience of over 28 years  Public Sector Banks including SBI, to
                                            and has held various responsibilities in  pensioners and family pensioners, who
          to EC                             Bank of Baroda including Credit Officer,  became eligible to draw pension on or
          A day after being pulled up by Supreme  Branch Head, Regional Head.  before October 31, 2022, including
          Court,  State  Bank  of  India  on  12  He has steered Retail Assets and Hu-  those who retired on the said date.
          March, 2024 submitted the list of buy-  man Resource management with his
          ers of electoral bonds and the parties  rich expertise at the Corporate Office.
          that have deposited them with the                                    Govt updates list of
          Election Commission.              Singh has also served the Board of
                                            Bank of Baroda, Uttar Pradesh Gramin banks authorised to
          The poll panel confirmed that SBI had  Bank as Director, the bank said.
          submitted data on electoral bonds to                                 import gold, silver dur-
          it on 12 March, 2024. "In compliance  Bank staff to get 17% an-
          of Supreme Court's directions to SBI,  nual wage hike                ing FY25
          contained in its order dated Feb 15                                  The government updated the list of
          and March 11, 2004, data on electoral  Indian Banks' Association and bank  banks authorised to import gold and
          bonds has been supplied by SBI to the  employee unions have agreed on an  silver during 2024-25. As per the list,
          Election  Commission of India,"  the  annual wage hike of 17 per cent, lead-  11 banks, including HDFC Bank and
          panel said in a social media post.  ing to an additional yearly outgo of  ICICI Bank, have been authorised by
                                            around Rs 8,284 crore for public sec-
          The  court  had  directed  the  bank's  tor banks.                   the Reserve Bank of India to import
          chairman to file the information along                               gold and silver for 2024-25 with effect
                                            As many as 8 lakh bank employees are
          with an affidavit. SBI did not queries.                              from April 1.
                                            set to benefit  from the wage hike,  The authorisation will be valid up to
          Indian  Bank  appoints            which will be effective from November  March 31 next year.
                                            2022. All India Bank Officers Confed-
          Brajesh  Kumar  Singh  as         eration said that a joint note agreed  "List of banks authorised to import

          Executive Director                to recognise all Saturdays as holidays,  gold/silver...has been updated," the
                                            pending government notification.   Directorate General of Foreign Trade
          Indian Bank said the Central govern-                                 (DGFT) said in a public notice.
                                            The revised working hours will be ef-
          ment has appointed Brajesh Kumar
          Singh as its Executive Director for a  fective after notification by the gov-  Three banks -- Indian Overseas Bank,
          period of three years.            ernment, it said.                  Punjab National Bank, and Union Bank
                                            "The new pay scales have been con-  of India -- have authorised by the RBI
          Prior taking up the new responsibility,                              to import only gold for 2024-25 with
          Singh was serving Bank of Baroda as its  structed, after merging Dearness Al-  effect from April 1 this year.
          Chief General Manager - Human Re-  lowance corresponding to 8088 points
                                            and additional load thereon," it said.
          sources.                                                             Gold imports rose 38.76 per cent to
                                            Under the new wage settlement, all  USD 44 billion during April-February
          "...the Central Government vide Noti-
          fication No 4/1(viii) dated March 9,  women employees would be allowed  this fiscal.
          2024 appointed Brajesh Kumar Singh,  to take one day sick leave per month  However, silver imports dipped 11.53
          Chief  General  Manager,  Bank  of  without giving a medical certificate.  per cent to USD 4.62 billion during the
          Baroda as Executive Director of Indian  Accumulated privilege leave may be  period.

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