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         Understanding the CASA Challenge:                    slower growth at 5.0%, Current account saw a robust
                                                              growth of 11.9%, however an uptick of 4.9% in savings
         CASA is the lifeline for any bank, as it comprises the deposits
                                                              account slowed the overall CASA uptick to 6.4%.
         in current and savings accounts, which typically carry lower
         interest rates compared to fixed deposits. Public sector
         banks in India often find themselves grappling with a lower Focus on Innovative Deposits for Low-

         CASA ratio, leading to a higher cost of funds. The CASA  Cost Funds:
         challenge is multifaceted and can be attributed to factors
                                                              Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has instructed state-
         such as fierce competition, changing customer preferences,
                                                              run bank executives to concentrate on creative deposit
         and technological disruptions in the banking sector.
                                                              mechanisms in order to raise lower-cost resources to meet
                                                              their financing needs, since public sector banks are losing
         SCBs term account deposits rose 17.4% y-o-y in Q1FY24 vs.
                                                              market share in current and savings accounts. What has
         8.2% in the year-ago period due to a rise in interest rates
                                                              compounded the problem for public sector banks is their
         on deposits driven by elevated inflation. (This is the highest
                                                              decision to lower the interest rate on savings bank deposits
         growth seen in the last 5 years) Term deposits outperformed
                                                              at a time when some of the private banks have opted to
         other segments by a wide margin, impacted due to a rise in
                                                              offer higher rates to corner a bigger share of this business.
         interest rates. In absolute terms, it increased by Rs.20.6 lakh
         crore from June 2022 and reached Rs.185.3 as of June 30,
                                                              Public sector banks have recently lost out to their private
         2023. Saving account deposits witnessed a moderate growth
                                                              sector competitors on salary accounts belonging to major
         of 4.9 % y-o-y in Q1FY24 vs 10.5% over a year ago period.
                                                              corporations. The government's shift to "just in time" cash
         In absolute terms, it increased by Rs.2.8 lakh crore in
                                                              release has contributed to the decline in the proportion of
         Q1FY24 over Q1FY23 and reached Rs.59.6 lakh crore as of
                                                              CASA, and state-run players are attempting to offset this
         June 30, 2023.
                                                              by pursuing current account balances of medium-sized firms.
                                                              Partnerships with exchanges and other sources have aided
         The segment lost market share by 240 bps y-o-y in Q1FY24
                                                              private sector lenders like HDFC Bank in mobilizing a solid
         and held a share of 32.2% of the total deposits as of June
                                                              base of CASA deposits.
         30, 2023. Current and savings accounts reported lower
         growth compared to the previous year in the same period.
         PVBs deposits saw a healthy growth of 16.8% in Q1FY24 due Strategies to tackle CASA Challenge:
         to aggressively increasing deposits from the market to meet  Customer- Centric Approach:
         the credit demand. In addition, offering higher interest rates  Public sector banks need to adopt a more customer-centric
         on saving accounts helped them to outperform PSBs (10.6%).  approach to attract and retain account holders. Offering
         Compared to Q4FY20, PVBs saw a huge outperformance due
         to  attractive  Interest  rates  offered specially  on  CASA

         In terms of deposits market share, PVBs accounted for a
         33.6% share gaining 122 bps y-o-y in Q1FY24, whereas PSBs
         held a 60.6% share, losing 107 bps y-o-y. PVBs have been
         continuously  gaining  market share  due  to  aggressive
         acquisition of clients and offering better services. In absolute
         terms, CASA rose by Rs.4.6 lakh crore in Q1FY24 reaching
         Rs.77.2 lakh crore as of June 30, 2023. PVBs and PSBs
         expanded their CASA by Rs.2.4 lakh crore and Rs.2.2 lakh
         crore, respectively during the quarter. SCBs CASA rose by
         6.4% y-o-y primarily driven by PVBs. PVBs reported a CASA
         growth at 9.9% y-o-y in Q1FY24, whereas PSBs reported a

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