P. 35



         APPROACH OF




         "RBI Payment Vision 2025"

         Introduction:                                        after COVID-19 the adoption of digital mode of transaction
                                                              has been steeped up. The National Payment Corporation of
         The reserve bank of India is the guiding institution for the
                                                              India which was constituted in 2016 has played a vital role
         development of the payment and settlement system in the
         country. Through the policy and procedure the RBI ensures  in designing the new payment and settlement mechanism
                                                              through adoption of modern technology and easy payment
         a smooth payment and settlement ecosystem in the country.
                                                              interface which is being largely appreciated by all the
         The primary concern of RBI for payment system is to ensure
                                                              stakeholders of payment and settlement system.
         Safe, Secure, Sound, Efficient, Accessible and Authorized
         payment systems in the country.
                                                              Now UPI is logging more than 220 million transactions per
                                                              day. The inception of UPI and QR has attracted not only the
         In India Payment and settlement is being regulated by the
         Payment and Settlement act 2007. In recent past India has  educated society of the country but also a common Indian
                                                              who is living in the remote village and accepting his receipts
         witnessed  a  drastic  change  in  the  behavior  of  the
                                                              through the QR code provided by NPCI.
         countrymen in relation to the payment and collection
         behavior. Though there was a significant presence of digital
                                                              The modern avatar of payment and settlement system of
         ecosystem of payment and settlement in the country but
                                                              India is not only lauded the countrymen but also got well
                                                              appreciation from the entire globe. In September 2022 the
                                                              number of banks live on UPI were 358 and UPI registered
                                                              6870.80 million number of transactions amounting to Rs
                                                              11,16,463.10 crore. This high volume of transaction reflects
                                                              the acceptability and popularity of the modern age payment
                                                              and settlement system.

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