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          Through RBI's electronic-Banking Awareness and Training  will also be reviewed and payment mechanism will be made
          (eBAAT) the RBI is actively taking initiatives for customer  more secure smooth and hassle free. Buy Now and Pay Later
          awareness. The stretch of E-BAAT will be explored to all  is developing as the new mode of payment this new method
          traditional channels at branch level and also at social media.  of payment shall be examined and appropriate guidelines
          The public awareness through RBI Says tag will also be  on payment involving BNPL shall be explored.
          widened and the outcomes will be measured through a
          periodic customer surveys.                          D. INSTITUTIONALISATION:
                                                              The  payment and settlement act was passed  in  2007
          RBI  is  very particular  about  the providing  the  digital  considering the very dynamic payment and settlement
          payment facilities to different strata of the society including  ecosystem and fast changing customer behaviour the RBI
          differently abled persons.  To provide digital experience to  shall  attempt  for  continuous  review  of  PSS  act  and
          the differently abled persons the RBI shall examine the  corresponding regulations. To assist the BPSS(Board for
          feasibility of implementing suitable policy including text to  Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement
          voice facility like features in digital payment option.  Systems)  a  PAC  (Payment  advisory  council)will  be
                                                              constituted. The composition of the PAC will be reviewed
          Availing digital payment services may carry certain cost  periodically.
          which may be borne by either the parties involved in
          payment and settlement. To make the costing of payment  Reserve bank of India being a central bank is also a member
          more transparent a comprehensive review of all aspect  of various International standard setting bodies. Focusing on
          related to charges involved in various channels of digital  the G-20 summit in 2023 in New delhi RBI will constitute
          payments shall be undertaken.                       various committee and task forces to enhance the payment
                                                              ecosystem across the globe. The RBI is aiming to play a
          One more step towards the inclusion part the RBI shall  leadership role in the development of payment ecosystem
          coordinate with central government and state government  actively participated in G-20 summit 2023 in New Delhi.
          to integrate their payment system with RBI's E-Kuber.
                                                              E. INTERNATIONALISATION:
          C. INNOVATION :
                                                              The RBI is planning for global outreach of RTGS, NEFT, UPI
          Innovation in payment system is very important to be  and Rupey Card after collaboration of relevant stake holders
          relevant and to show global presence. On technology front  like central bank , world bank etc. The feasibility of expanding
          internet of things devices are instrumental in the growth of  RTGS to settle transaction in major trade currencies will also
          digital  payment.  The  payment  service  through  the  be explored. RBI shall examine the opportunity to maintain
          connected devices beyond just phone or tablets will be
          provided taking into account of data security, authentication
          identity validation etc. The Payment system operators
          across the world trying to implement ISO 20022 standard
          in context to India all step to be taken by the RBI to migrate
          all payment system to ISO 20022 standards.

          Usage  of  UPI transaction is very  impressive  in digital
          payments. UPI customers can only connect bank accounts
          like saving and current an attempt will be made to add credit
          card also to the fild of UPI transaction as per the RBI Vision
          2025 document. As per the plan national and international
          payment hackathons, competition etc. to boost innovation
          and exchange of ideas will take place. Not only this but at
          the time of RTGS/NEFT transaction the usage of IFSC code

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