Page 31 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 31
Availability of land, water bodies and (NIA) at the following address: The Chief Executive, National
Fisheries Development Board, Department of Fisheries,
statutory clearance
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, GoI,
Loan under the FIDF shall not be provided for acquisition Pillar No:235, PVNR Expressway, SVPNPA Post, Hyderabad-
of land and water bodies in any manner such as 500052.
purchase, transfer, lease, accession/addition etc.
required for implementation of the identified project NIA would receive the proposals from the concerned State
activities. Governments/UTs in respect of State/UT owned/
The project proponents (Eligible Entities) are required implemented projects and directly from the other Eligible
Entities (wherever the State/UT financial contribution is not
to acquire necessary land and water bodies (in case of
involved in the implementation of the intended project under
non-availability of land with them) at their own cost and
the FIDF).
complete all processes associated with land acquisition,
Except for Private Entrepreneurs/Companies, all the
before submission of the proposal for concessional
other Eligible Entities shall route their applications
finance under the FIDF.
through Nodal Departments of their respective State/
The Eligible Entities shall provide documentary
evidence/certificate of availability of requisite land and
The Nodal Implementing Agency (NIA) of NFDB will
water bodies free from all encroachment and
scrutinize, evaluate, and appraise the proposal
submitted by us and place it before Central Approval
Confirmation with necessary documentary evidence on
and Monitoring Committee (CAMC) for approval.
availability of land and water bodies and statutory
CAMC will consider the proposals placed before it and
clearances (wherever necessary) shall be clearly
accord in-principle approval to projects signifying
indicated in the DPR/Self Contained Proposal.
approval for grant of interest subvention and
recommend such approved proposals to the NLEs for
Formulation of detailed project report
considering sanction of loans.
(DPR) The lending decision would be left to the Banks and
Concessional financing under the FIDF is based on Detailed NABARD as per their policy and regulatory guidelines.
Project Reports (DPRs) / Self Contained Proposals. Detailed NLEs to send a copy of the loan sanction to CAMC and
projects especially for infrastructure and large magnitude NIA for information.
projects shall be formulated based on-
Identification of suitable site, Conclusion
Necessary engineering and socio-economic Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund
investigations and surveys, will help in improving the infrastructure facilities in marine
and inland fisheries sectors Achieving sustainable growth of
Planning and designing of the facilities and
8-9% and target of 20 MMT fish production by 2022-23. It
Model studies wherever required etc.
will be helpful for Generating employment for over 9.40 lakh
The Eligible Entities shall submit the DPR/self Contained fishers; it will attract private investment in fisheries sector
Proposal in triplicate copies with Adoption of new and innovative technologies by fishers.
Submission of the project proposal References:
To Joint Secretary (Fisheries) Department of Fisheries, of
Ministry of Fisheries, and Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Govt. of India.
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001. One Copy of the proposal
shall also be submitted to the Nodal Implementing Agency get-loan-for-fisheries.