Page 32 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 32


          NEW WAY TO



          THROUGH CO-


               ndian banks / Financial Institutions have sufficient  basic needs of a common man and Productive sectors of the
               funds for lending at lower interest rates, but meagre  economy which contributes more to GDP of a nation.
               outreach through it's branch network hamper their
         I ability to extend credit to the unserved and under-  In the National Credit council meeting held in July 1968, it
               served segments of population. Most of the un-served  was emphasized that commercial banks  should increase
          and under-served population are engaged in sectors which  their involvement in financing Priority Sectors. Accordingly,
          were neglected by Banks / FIs. These sectors were identified  the description of Priority Sectors was formalized in the year
          by Government and termed as 'Priority Sector' which have  1972 as per Informal study group on statistics relating to
          national importance and have been given priority for  Priority Sector Advances constituted by RBI in May 1971.
          development.                                        Although initially there was no specific target fixed in respect
                                                              of Priority Sector lending, in November 1974 banks were
          Priority sector refers to those sectors of economy which may  advised  to raise  the share to Priority  Sector in  their
          not receive timely and adequate credit in the absence of  aggregate advances to the level of 33.33% by March 1979.
          this special dispensation. Further, these sectors impact large
          sections of the population in general and weaker sections  Subsequently, on the basis of the recommendations of the
          in particular, they are employment intensive, meets the  Working Group on the Modalities of Implementation of
                                                              Priority Sector Lending and the Twenty Point Economic
                                                              Programme by Banks, all commercial banks were advised
                               About the author
                                                              to achieve the target of Priority Sector lending at 40% of
                         D. Surendranath                      aggregate bank advances by 1985. Now, presently,  the
                         Chief Manager & Faculty              computation  of  Priority  Sector  targets/sub-targets
                         Union  Bank  of  India  Staff  College,  achievement will be based on the ANBC or Credit Equivalent
                         Kalkere,  Bangalore
                                                              Amount of Off-Balance Sheet Exposures, whichever is higher

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