Page 37 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 37


                                                                                           Averaging  and
                                                                                           Leveraging  are

                                                                                           weapon of Mass
                                                                                             Averaging  the  stock
                                                                                           going down is a strategy
                                                                                           of buying more of that
                                                                                           stock to bring down the
                                                                                           average price of stock.
                                                                                           Same way people tend
                                                                                           to sell stocks that have
                                                                                           gone up to buy the same
                                                                                           stock  again  in  future
                                                                                           when it comes down.
                                                              This strategy affects most traders, and they should be doing
          Reference: BSE index dated 04/01/2022
                                                              the opposite- Cut the losers  and  ride the winners. The
                                                              phrase-"Trend is your best friend" actually works in the
          2021 witnessed record number of new traders and investors.
                                                              stock market. The ride of hope that everything will go as
          Despite some recent corrections in Stock Market indexes,
                                                              we expect, is more of hope trading than stock trading. Hope
          the market is still showing bullish trends. In the history of
                                                              trading isn't really a trading strategy. Buying more as a stock
          stock market, many things changed except one thing that
                                                              price  falls  drastically might work once  a while but is
          never changed is Greed. Stock Market, which is probably
                                                              generally a losing strategy in long run.
          the toughest place to make easy money, countless people
          are lured into the markets and have a rosy view of trading.
                                                              Averaging is weapon of wealth destruction and is like trying
          As per article written by Nitin Kamath, CEO Zerodha in The
                                                              to fix a trading mistake which could have been avoided by
          economic times of 3rd Jan 2021,  less than 1% of active
                                                              using stop loss function. Leveraging goes one step further
          traders earned more money than a bank fixed deposit over
          a  3-Years period. Rest 99% either lost money or made  towards wealth loss. Leveraging is investment of Borrowed
          marginal profits.                                   money into stock market to gain huge profits.  While it is
                                                              easy to get lured by promise of making outsized gain using
          Myth of Entry and Exit:                             leverage, all it takes to blow up the whole account is one
                                                              bad trade. This is the biggest reason for people going
          A very common strategy among beginners is to buy stocks
                                                              bankrupt in stock market. Leverage should be used only
          which are going down or at their 52 weeks low. The mindset
                                                              when there is a very strong conviction in trade and should
          while investing is that the stock has already gone down and
                                                              be used with a stop loss.
          it will bounce back soon. But many times, the stocks follow
          the trend and either goes down or hold the position for a
          long time. New traders mostly either do not show required  Rapid  Loss  recovery  is  Rapid  Loss
          patience or sometimes do not know when to exit. The smart
          trader always knows when to quit. Hope of stock getting
                                                              The common problem among a lot of traders is when they
          up again keeps on widening their loss. Traders must make
          sure to define and stick to a sensible stop loss, an amount  incur a loss, they try to overtrade aggressively to recover
          he/she can afford to lose. Traders also need to define the  from the loss. This leads to more losses. When there is a
          time period he/she will wait for a stock to turn profitable.  loss in a trade, it means it was a wrong trade. When to
          There is a famous quote of Jack Schwager saying, "You should  recover loss, more aggressive investment is done in that
          make sure that you don't lose more than 1% of your trading  trade is just being wrong twice. Losses are the part of
          capacity on any trade". The larger the losses get on a trade,  trading process and that is why limits are set and adhered
          The higher the chances of trader acting irrationally.  to judiciously.

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