Page 38 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 38


          Everyone has a tip of making money                  Sometimes  this randomness  that can  create profits  for
                                                              unskilled and new traders which they tend to think is because
          Every second person is having a stock tip to create wealth.
                                                              of their ability and market sense. This gives the positive bias
          Now a days there are countless people claiming themselves
                                                              and leads to substantial loss. The only way to do this
          as Stock market experts. These kind of stock tips rarely work.
                                                              background research with good trading plan and a small
          What makes it worse that even if there is a good advice,
                                                              percentage of capital on each trade. Most successful traders
          people are terrible at following it. Greed plays a big role
                                                              with longevity discover a style that consistently works for
          here also. The biggest risk is that most of the tips on social
                                                              them. The reality of stock  market is  that we only hear
          media and other groups is pump and dump scams. One
                                                              success stories but there are exponentially more people that
          should not blindly follow the trading tips and  rumours
                                                              lose money trying to catch lightning in a bottle.
          without their own  analysis. The best way to trade is to
          gradually master how to read charts and how to interpret
          news flows and trade on your own. It is a slow process but
          there is really no alternative to learning trading process
          The bottom Line                                        Newspaper- The E.T dated 03/1/2022, Article written
                                                                 by Nitin Kamath
          The Markets  are extremely dynamic and constant flux.


                                          Forthcoming Events

                                 Media Partner: Banking Finance

               10th Annual CX Asia Week2022                      10th Finance Transformation India
             November 21 - 24, 2022 |Sands Expo and
                                                                        Summit & Awards 2022
                   Convention Centre, Singapore
                                                               10 - 11 October 2022 |  The Chancery Pavilion,
          The 10th CX Asia Week remains Asia's leading platform
          bringing the region's CX leaders together to debate new,               Bengaluru
          innovative and transformative strategies for both customers
                                                              With the global economy and the business environment
          and businesses alike. Join us as we celebrate success of best
                                                              becoming more complex every day, companies and finance
          practices, learn from real-life lessons and build strategies
                                                              professionals are increasingly keen to transform the finance
          together to reach the new, gold standard of CX.
                                                              function from just a supporting department within an

                                                              organisation into an integral part of the business. For many
                                                              companies, Finance Transformation is no longer a choice it
              International Business Magazine                 is the only way forward. Building on the previous editions
                                                              the 10th Finance Transformation India Summit 2022 will
                         Annual Awards
                                                              bring  together leading industry experts to share best
                      October 29, 2022, DUBAI
                                                              practices, case studies and latest trends from leading Indian
          International Business Magazine Awards is established with
                                                              companies. This summit is designed  to enable finance
          the  prime  objective  of  admiring  the  best  in  class
                                                              departments within organizations to not only be efficient
          achievements pertaining to budding Industrial talent, global
                                                              and effective, but also integrated and flexible.
          leaders, Corporates, etc across varied spheres related with
          the International Business and Finance arena.

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