Page 33 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 33


          at the corresponding date of the preceding year. Presently,  economy, RBI has introduced this new model of partnership
          eight sectors were identified as Priority Sector. They are  between banks and NBFCs on 5th November 2020 for Co-
          1.  Agriculture                                     Lending to the Priority Sector.
          2.  MSME
                                                              With an object to improve the flow of credit and also to make
          3.  Export Credit
                                                              funds available to the un-served and under-served sectors
          4.  Education                                       at an affordable cost Reserve Bank of India rechristened co-
                                                              origination  of loans by banks and NBFCs  for lending to
          5.  Housing
                                                              Priority Sector as "Co-Lending Model" (CLModel).
          6.  Social Infrastructure
          7.  Renewable Energy and                            Banks do have plenty of funds at lower cost for the purpose
                                                              of lending while Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
          8.  Others
                                                              have the infrastructure for greater reach to un-served and
          Reserve Bank of India and Commercial banks are exploring  under-served population.
          and innovating several options for meeting the regulatory
          requirement and Government of India's guidelines. In  RBI has provided greater operational flexibility under Co-
          addition to direct lending to Priority Sector by banks to  Lending Model by permitting banks to  co-lend  with all
          individuals, many ways and means were explored to reach  registered  NBFCs  (including HFCs)  based  on  a  prior
          the unserved & underserved population using different  agreement,  but  with  strict  regulatory  guidelines  on
          methods of lending like                             outsourcing, Know Your Customer (KYC) and minimum share
          1.  Joint Liability Groups                          of the individual loans by NBFCs in their books. The main
                                                              advantage to Lending Institutions is that banks can claim
          2.  Self Help Groups
                                                              Priority Sector status in respect of their share of credit while
          3.  Engaging the services of Business Correspondents (BCs)
                                                              engaging in the CLModel. However, CLModel shall not be
             to provide various services such as identification of
                                                              applicable to foreign banks with less than 20 branches in
             borrowers, collection, recovery,  follow-up and such
             other ancillary services
          4.  On-lending to eligible intermediaries like Micro Finance  Salient features of Co-Lending Model
             Institutions. On-lending means loans sanctioned by banks
                                                              1. Master Agreement:
             to eligible intermediaries for onward lending only for
                                                                 Banks  &  NBFCs  are  required  to  enter  a  Master
             creation of Priority Sector assets
                                                                 Agreement  for  implementing  the  CLM.  Master
          5.  Co-lending by banks through NBFCs                  Agreement  may  contain  necessary  clauses  on
          Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are having
          advantage due to their agile nature and less stringent
          regulation, enjoy greater penetration into the market but
          frequently suffer from liquidity crises. NBFCs can lend and
          also can make investments. As such  their activities are
          similar to that of banks. However, NBFC cannot accept
          demand deposits, do not form part of the payment and
          settlement system and cannot issue cheques drawn on itself.
          Further, deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance and
          Credit Guarantee Corporation is not available to depositors
          of NBFCs.

          Co-lending refers to a collective operation of two or more
          entities in the financial sector. To address the challenge of
          the rising credit gap within the unserved and underserved

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