Page 23 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 23


         WHY CBDC

         WHEN WE

         HAVE UPI..??

         T         he world is rushing to develop Cash 2.0. Globally,  your country. This makes it super secure.CBDC works like a
                   central banks are in pursuit of Central Bank
                                                              digital version of the money you have in your wallet. It's
                   Digital Currency (CBDC) projects. More than 100
                                                              backed by the government, just like your regular cash. You
                   countries, representing over 95% of global GDP,
                                                              carrying your country's money in your phone.
         are exploring CBDCs. While some have already deployed e-  can use it to pay for things and do business online. It's like
         currencies, others are either running pilots or developing
         them. Such e-currencies are a hotly debated subject of  UPI - Unified Payments Interface:
         curiosity, confusion and even concern. Yet, no one wants to  Have  you  ever  wanted  to  send  money  to  a  friend
         be left behind the curve.                            immediately, even if they're in a different bank? UPI makes
                                                              this possible. It's like magic for your mobile, allowing you to
         CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency:                transfer money from one bank account to another right

         Imagine if your country's money could also exist on your  away.UPI, on the other hand, is like a bridge between
         phone or computer. That's CBDC. It's like a digital version  different banks. You can use it to send money directly from
         of your regular money, but it's controlled by the big bank in  your bank account to your friend's account, without needing
                                                              cash or waiting. It's like texting money.

                                                              After cryptos became popular, with Millennials and Gen-Z
                                                              users experimenting with them in some form, central banks
                                                              felt they had to step on the gas to deliver a next-generation
                                                              payments vehicle that can flaunt the convenience of cash
                                                              and characteristics of crypto. Most central banks have
                                                              added the prefix 'e' to their respective currency names for
                                                              end-user comfort and familiarity.

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