Page 27 - Banking Finance May 2024
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         I     ndia's presidency of the G20 in 2023 placed digital  The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal moment in the
               public infrastructure (DPI) on the global map. Until
                                                              ongoing  evolution  of  the  digital  landscape.  The
               November 2022, DPI as a term did not exist for most
                                                              developments  of  2023,  marked  by  technological
               people around the world. In a period of nine months,
          between December 2022 and August 2023, not only was  advancements, changing customer behaviours due to
                                                              economic uncertainty, tweaks to regulatory requirements,
          the grammar and syntax of DPI created, but a suggested  and competitive pressures, have served as a stepping stone
          framework for DPI was also accepted by the G20 member  for organizations in crafting their digital transformation
          states.                                             strategies for 2024.

          The use of technology for inclusion is a concept that has  To secure a competitive edge, organizations must prioritize
          existed for a long time. What is new is that, for the first  agility and innovation. Furthermore, data-driven decision-
          time, a framework-marrying technology, governance, and  making, AI integration, cybersecurity enhancements, and
          the  role  of  communities-has  been  agreed  upon  sustainable practices will be pivotal in shaping successful
          multilaterally.                                     digital transformation strategies for the year ahead and

                                                              A  digital  ecosystem is a network of inter-connected
                                                              companies or products. Today businesses are recognizing
                                                              the benefits of partnerships and connectivity. All top
                                                              companies in the world have a digital ecosystem in place.
                                                              They build networks of connected products and partner with
                                                              other  companies,  sharing  resources  and  expertise
                                                              throughout their ecosystem. Even partnering with one other

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