Page 31 - Banking Finance May 2024
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                                                              suitable for banks that command strong share in a specific
                                                              market, or that wish to transform into an ecosystem player

                                                              Example: HSBC, for instance, launched an ecosystem called
                                                              Business Go to extend its core banking services and deepen
                                                              relationships in the SME market in Hong Kong.

                                                              2. Go deep into specific verticals and markets.
                                                              With this strategy, financial institutions build ecosystems in
                                                              specific industry sectors where they have strong existing
                                                              penetration and growth prospects, offering their core
                                                              products and services to these segments and tailoring or
                                                              introducing others to provide additional value. In this model
                                                              a bank would partner with one or more large players in each
                                                              industry to help reach scale quickly, enabling all participants
             value. However, bigtechs and fintechs are likely to  to benefit.
             pursue that value for themselves. Horizontal players,
             vertical specialists, and niche solution providers from  Example: DBS has pursued vertical ecosystem plays. They
             within and outside the traditional financial services  established the DBS Marketplace, consisting of seven
             sector are attacking the banking value chain from all
                                                              ecosystems each focused on a specific sector such as real
             angles. Many are well-funded. And bigtechs that today  estate, travel, and health.
             focus mainly on the point of sale could use their
             resources  and  sizeable  market  share  to  acquire
             dominance in other parts of the financial services  3. Use ecosystems to learn and experiment.
             industry.                                        With this strategy, banks and financial services institutions
                                                              use  digital  ecosystems  as  a  learning  lab  to  enable
          Strategic Plays Best Suited to Existing             experimentation, diversification, and piloting to deal with
                                                              external opportunities and threats. Institutions can use
          Banks                                               these incubators to explore new products and business
          Existing banks and financial services institutions have  models, access new technologies, and gauge which concepts
          different needs, ambitions, and starting points and are  have the potential for substantial commercial upside. This
          different from than the typical fintech or bigtech. They face  archetype can be a safe and effective way for banks to
          a tougher problem to compete in business ecosystems  experiment before committing the core business.
          without reducing their core business and capabilities that
          have been built for decades.                        Example, ANZ, BNP Paribas, Citi, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and
                                                              Standard Chartered founded Trade Information Network in
          There are four ecosystems that an organization can give  2018 as a data registry to support the digitization of global
          strong  marketplace  advantage.    Three  are  creator  trade through enabling the exchange of original trade
          strategies and one contributor's strategy.          information between the buyers, suppliers, and financiers
                                                              around the world.
          1. Build an ecosystem around the core and play
          as a creator.                                       4. Play as a contributor.
          Under this model, organizations serve as the primary creator,  There are several ways in which banks can capture value
          building an ecosystem that is closely tied to their traditional  on platforms managed by others. One is to be a generic
          core business. They partner with businesses in different  contributor and embed white-labelled products and services
          domains to build the ecosystem, then bundle their financial  such as payments or loans in non-proprietary ecosystems as
          products with complementary offerings. This archetype is  additional avenues to drive growth.

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