Page 36 - Banking Finance May 2024
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                                                                 This is known as a part of push-based marketing skills
                                                                 to be introduced in the future.
                                                              5. Multi-Factor Authentication: Users may be required to
                                                                 provide additional authentication factors, such as PINs
                                                                 or security questions, to access sensitive information or
                                                                 conduct transactions. Like Union Bank of India's UVA has
                                                                 introduced voice PIN to access the services, and this PIN
                                                                 needs to be inputted every 3 minutes to keep the
                                                                 session active. Apart from this, as a part of multi-factor
                                                                 authentication, OTP validation is mandatory.

                                                              6. 24/7 Availability: Voice Banking systems are available
                                                                 round the clock, allowing users to access their accounts
             customer support services, allowing users to resolve  at any time.
             issues and seek assistance using natural language.
                                                              7. Quick Responses: Users can obtain information and
                                                                 complete transactions swiftly through voice commands,
          Benefits of Voice Banking                              eliminating the need for lengthy phone calls or website
          The  adoption  of  Voice  Banking  can  bring  multiple  navigation.
          advantages for both customers and financial institutions,
          shaping the future of Banking in profound ways.     B. Banking Institutions' Advantages
          A. Customer-Centric Benefits                        1. Customer Retention: Banks that offer Voice Banking
          1. Convenience:  Voice  Banking  offers  unparalleled  services can attract and retain tech-savvy customers
             convenience, enabling users to manage their finances  seeking a more convenient and seamless Banking
             with a simple voice command. This hands-free approach  experience.
             is particularly useful for multitasking or when physical  2. Positive Publicity: Any new technological advancement
             access  to  devices  is  limited.  It  gives  users  the  in any Bank gives positive publicity to that Bank.
             convenience of accessing Banking services from the
             comfort of their homes 24/7/365.                 3. Cost  Savings:  By  automating  routine  tasks  and
                                                                 providing self-service options, banks can reduce
          2. Accessibility:  Voice-activated  Banking  enhances  operational costs associated with customer service
             accessibility for individuals with disabilities, including  centers and support staff. By diverting customers to
             those with visual impairments or mobility challenges. It  such digital platforms, Banks can save a lot of cost, time,
             promotes financial inclusion by making Banking services  and effort, which can further be utilized in marketing
             more widely available. It is one of the widely accepted  and recovery by branch staff.
             modes of Banking service channels, especially for people
             with visual impairments and physical impairments.  4. Competitive Edge: Financial institutions that embrace
                                                                 Voice Banking gain a competitive edge by positioning
          3. Efficiency: Users can complete Banking tasks quickly and  themselves as innovators in the industry. It is evident from
             efficiently, reducing the need for manual input or  history that customers tend to be inclined    towards the
             navigating complex user interfaces. This has made it one  Bank which is technologically advanced in nature.
             of the widely accepted Banking channels, especially
             among tech-savvy and the new generation of users.  C. Financial Ecosystem Impact
          4. Personalization: Voice Banking systems can provide  1. Reduced ATM/Branch Network Dependency: Voice
             personalized recommendations and insights based on a  Banking  reduces  the reliance on  physical ATMs/
             user's transaction history and preferences, enhancing  Branches,  allowing  customers to access Banking
             the overall Banking experience. This is the future of  services from the comfort of their homes, ultimately
             Banking, which will be introduced by the Banks in India.  reducing the load on physical Banking infrastructure.

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