Page 41 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 41


                       Abstract of Article                         and reassure customers about their data security
               Fintech is a combination of two words “financial” and
               “technology”. Any technology or app or software     Positioning and finding a space in an overcrowded
               that provides a facility to people or businesses to  market space may be very difficult if the company
               access, manage, or gain insights into their finances  is not offering very unique service which is scalable
               digitally or carry out the financial transactions may  and sustainable.
               be called as fintech.                               Despite the potential for innovation, securing
               Fintech companies operate in a highly regulated     funding for fintech startups can be challenging.
               environment,  and  keeping  up  with  evolving
               regulations  across different  regions  can  be  a  Fintech is a combination of two words "financial" and
               significant challenge.                         "technology". Any technology or app or software that
                                                              provides a facility to people or businesses to access, manage,
               With increasing  concerns about data privacy,
                                                              or gain insights into their finances digitally or carry out the
               companies need to navigate complex regulations
                                                              financial transactions may be called as fintech.

                               About the author               With manifold increase in number of mobile users especially
                                                              smart phones and availability of cost effective internet,
                       Pankaj Dadhich                         fintechs have evolved very fast in last 10 years and has
                       Manager  (Research)                    disrupted the entire financial services market through their
                       State Bank of India                    tech driven innovative solutions. Fintechs also offer easier
                       State Bank Academy, Gurugram
                                                              tracking, greater control, more options etc. On account of

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