Page 44 - Banking Finance May 2024
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                                                              new age technologies such as Cryptocurrency, Block chain,
                                                              IoT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine
                                                              learning, data analytics  and  big  data.  Though  these
                                                              technologies have not been utilized to their full potential as
                                                              lot more is to be explored.

                                                              In fintech industry the technical hand is required to be
                                                              expert on technology and finance sector front. It is quite
                                                              challenging to find such experts as all the companies are
                                                              looking for such techies resulting in increased competition.
                                                              Since all the companies do not have an in house team for
                                                              building an app  hence  they  tend to outsource it for
         Image source:                    developing  a  user  friendly  app.  Building  a  team  of
                                                              professionals involves time and cost for recruitment and
         Funding and Investment                               training while outsourcing helps in reducing costs significantly
                                                              and it also allows to meet the timeline for achieving goals
         In a time when so many start ups are coming into the
         market very rapidly, standing out from the crowd to draw
         the attention of potential investors is essential to get
                                                              Moreover rate of technological disruption is very high. It
         adequate  funding  which  ensures  the  freedom  of
                                                              completely changes the way things are done. Company may
         development.Venture capital is one of the key elements that
                                                              come to know that there a new technology has been
         make a startup grow. However, attracting the right investors
                                                              introduced well before it could implement its earlier app with
         is still a challenge. Despite the potential for innovation,
                                                              an old technology. New age technology is well known and
         securing funding for fintech startups can be challenging,
                                                              implemented by very few tech elites. It is quite challenging
         especially during economic downturns or when competing
                                                              for other developers to keep pace with it. Sometimes it is
         with established financial institutions.
                                                              so fast that even consumers do not understand and embrace
                                                              it completely.
         Finding sustainable business model that attracts investors
         while delivering value to customers is critical. Several
                                                              Apart from these key challenges fintechs also face issues
         questions are asked during the due diligence process such
                                                              related to integrating new fintech solutions with traditional
         as problem solving capabilities of the app, inherent risk
                                                              financial institutions as compatibility issue often arise which
         related  to  the  business,  market  size  and  available
                                                              makes the process more complicated and costly. Additionally
         opportunities. Investors also evaluate the capabilities and
                                                              scaling up the services rapidly without compromising
         expertise of founders. It is also considered that how the fund
         will be utilized and whether it will add any value in order to
         achieve the product's goals.

         Ultimately the goal of every investor is to get exponential
         returns by investing in a new idea, hence a presentation on
         detailed plan with realistic and achievable estimations along
         with a business model and strategy that differentiates the
         company from so many similar and existing players, play a
         key role in convincing the investors.

         Technological capabilities and Disruption
         Fintech companies provide solutions by depending on several

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