Page 47 - Banking Finance May 2024
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         Introduction:                                        operations,  putting  them  squarely  against  FinTech
                                                              companies. Secondly, banks have welcomed working
         The constantly evolving field of financial technology, or
                                                              together with FinTech companies, either through joint
         FinTech, has brought about a significant transformation of
                                                              ventures or by utilizing FinTech services. By working
         the world's financial scene. The efficiency, accessibility, and
                                                              together, banks are able to take advantage of Fin-Techs'
         cost of financial services have all been greatly improved by
                                                              agility  and  creativity  and  provide  better  consumer
         this paradigm change. While maintaining regulatory stability,
                                                              experiences. Concurrently, competition acts as a catalyst for
         the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), our judicious regulator, has
                                                              continuous innovation, pushing traditional and FinTech firms
         adopted a proactive role within this dynamic ecosystem,
                                                              to keep improving.
         encouraging innovation.
         FinTech Giants and Traditional Banks Working Together in  The Legal Maze:
         Harmony The financial industry giants, banks, have used two  Getting Through FinTech's Technological Revolution The RBI
         different approaches to counter FinTech innovations.  is essential for ensuring financial stability and fostering an
         Initially, they have started incorporating new ideas into their  atmosphere that is  innovative. To foster responsible
                                                              innovation, the RBI has implemented a number of regulatory
                                                              tools, including the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH), the
                               About the author
                                                              FinTech Department inside the RBI, hackathons, and the
                       Amit Bhadani                           Regulatory Sandbox. In order to address concerns about fair
                       Chief Manager                          market practices, consumer protection, data privacy, and
                       Union Bank of India                    market integrity, regulatory frameworks are essential. The
                       Zonal Learning Centre, Hyderabad       RBI's dedication to placing fair treatment for customers at

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