Page 11 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 11

tional Holdings (IIHL) has received the  IRDAI goes to grassroots, mandates life and health
         long-awaited nod from the Insurance
         Regulatory and Development Author-               cover down to Gram Panchayats
         ity of India to acquire Reliance Capital.  In a move to take insurance down to the grassroots, IRDAI has mandated life
         The acquisition will include the takeover  and general insurers to extend cover to certain identified Gram Panchayats.
         of Reliance Capital's insurance arms -  Per the master circular issued by the regulator on rural, social and motor
         wholly-owned subsidiary Reliance Gen-  third party obligations, the Life Insurance Council, in consultation with the
         eral Insurance and the 51:49 Nippon Life  Ministry of Panchayat Raj, will indicate the minimum number of Gram
         JV Reliance Nippon Life Insurance.   Panchayats each life insurer will cover on mutually agreed parameters such
         The insurance regulator cleared the  as market share.
         transfer of Reliance Capital's 26 per cent  Once the number of Gram Panchayats to be covered by each insurer is deter-
         stake in Reliance Nippon Life to Aasia  mined, the insurers can identify them in a State(s) of their choice for fulfilment
         Enterprises. Post the transaction, Reli-  of obligations, the IRDAI said.
         ance Capital, Nippon Life Insurance and  A similar exercise will also be taken up by the General Insurance Council to
         Aasia Enterprises LLP will be the pro-  identify the Gram Panchayats for extending health cover, Motor Third Party
         moters of the company.
                                              (MTP) insurance and cover for dwelling shops, per the new norms.
         The approval is valid for three months  The insurers will have to put in a mechanism to identify, record, coordinate
         and subject to certain "regulatory,
                                              and exchange information on the number of lives/persons/ vehicles covered
         statutory, and judicial clearances/com-
                                              by life and general insurers in each Gram Panchayat. "To achieve the goal of
         pliances". Further, the IRDAI has also
                                              full saturation of the Gram Panchayat, the insurance companies should work
         sought details of the share transfer post  in close coordination with the Gram Sarpanch and Gram Sachivalya," the
         the completion of the acquisition.
                                              insurance regulator said.
         The approval has been long pending
         and crucial to the resolution plan given  opened up the market in August 2000
         that the insurance arms are the high-  with an invitation for application for  IRDAI asks insurers to put
         est revenue-earning businesses of Reli-                               in  place  board-okayed
                                            registrations. Foreign companies were
         ance Capital.
                                            allowed ownership of up to 26 per cent.  policy to ensure fair com-
                                            The Authority has the power to frame
         IRDAI marks 25th anniver-          regulations under Section 114A of the  mission for agents
         sary with slew of regula-          Insurance Act, 1938 and has, from 2000  The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
                                            onwards, framed various regulations  opment Authority of India (IRDA) has
         tory reforms                       ranging from registration of companies  directed  all  insurers  to  have  a
         As IRDAI enters the Silver Jubilee year,  for carrying on insurance business to  boardapproved policy on commission
         the regulator is busy creating a smooth  protection of policyholders' interests.  structure for insurance agents to en-
         ground for a slew of regulatory reforms                               sure fairness and reasonable payments.
                                            In the last 24 years, IRDAI steered the
         announced in March that come into  industry on the growth path in the post-  In the master circular on expenses of
         effect from the current financial year.  reforms era, with life and nonlife insur-  management, including commission, of
         This is even as the industry players are
                                            ance registering a premium income of  insurers, 2024, the insurance regula-
         also buckling up to play their part.  Rs. 7.83lakh crore and Rs. 2.57-lakh  tory said: “As the insurance agents, in-
         Following the recommendations of the  crore in 2022-23. In 2024, it is expected  termediaries or insurance intermediar-
         Malhotra Committee report, the Insur-  to clock 13-16 per cent growth in these  ies play a crucial role in the distribution
         ance Regulatory and Development Au-  two segments, while the final figures  of insurance products, it is essential for
         thority (IRDA) was constituted in 1999  are yet to be released.       the insurers to have a clear and trans-
         as an autonomous body to regulate and  According to Rakesh Jain, CEO of Reli-  parent board policy on their commis-
         develop the insurance industry. It was  ance General Insurance, over the past  sion structure to ensure fairness, trans-
         incorporated as a statutory body on  two decades, IRDAI has played a pivotal  parency, compliance, efficiency and in-
         April 19, 2000.                    role in safeguarding consumer interests  dustry reputation in the insurance dis-
         Later, renamed IRDAI, the regulator  and propelling industry advancement.  tribution process.”

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