Page 16 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 16


                                                                               down  as  the  Chairman  and  Non-
           Bandhan Life to hire 1,000 in new avatar                            Executive Director of the HDFC Life
           Bandhan Financial Holdings has renamed Aegon Life Insurance to Bandhan  Insurance Company with effect from
           Life after acquiring the life insurer. As part of its growth strategy, the new  April 18.
           company has charted a five-year plan to become a multi-channel life insurer.
                                                                               The board unanimously approved the
           It will recruit 1,000 new employees soon. BFHL acquired its stake from BCCL
                                                                               appointment of Keki M Mistry as the
           and Aegon Indian Holding to become the new promoter in Feb 2024.
                                                                               Chairman of the board. Mistry has
           Bandhan Life's MD and CEO, Satishwar B, said, "Our vision for the next five  been associated with the company
           years is set... We will expand our presence across all relevant product  since December 2000 and is currently
           categories, thereby enhancing the services we provide." He added, "We  a Non-Executive Director on the board.
           have heavily invested in technology and data-driven processes to keep pace  "Being the founder Chairman of our
           with our strategy of using tech as an enabler. This combination will help us
                                                                               company,    Parekh    has   been
           achieve our goal of growing with the new Bharat."
                                                                               instrumental in guiding and nurturing
           In the beginning, Bandhan Bank is likely to be the largest distribution partner  the company over the past 24 years.
           given their size and scale. It has a presence in all customer categories,  We thank Parekh for the immense
           including mass customers as well as conventional banking customers, said  contributions  made  by  him,"  the
           Satishwar. "While we are largely a digital company, we are not restricting  company said in a statement. Parekh
           sales to online. In our distribution through partners, a majority of the  was the Chairman of HDFC Ltd which
           processes are tech-enabled, so once the customer knows what they want  merged with HDFC Bank a year ago.
           to buy, the rest of the process happens fast," he said.

                                                                               First-year premium of life
         Life insurers' new business        insurance policies in a year.
                                            The industry showed a growth of 19 insurers  up  2%  at  Rs.
         premium grows 61%
                                            per cent in the number of policies sold  3,77,960 crore in FY24
         Life insurance industry reported a  in individual single plans and 10 per
         61.23 per cent jump in new business                                   The  first-year  premium,  or  new
                                            cent growth in individual non-single
         premium (NBP) at Rs 20,258.86 crore  plans, the data showed.          business premium, of life insurers
         in April 2024, as against Rs 12,565.31                                increased 2 per cent to Rs. 3,77,960
                                            During the month, around 49,205 life
         crore in the same period of last year.                                crore  in  the  financial  year  ended
                                            insurance agents were added.       March 31, 2024, per the Insurance
         The growth in NBP was mainly due to
         group single premium which rose over  Parekh  steps  down  as         Regulatory   and    Development
         126 per cent, according to the recent  HDFC  as  HDFC  Life           Authority of India.
         data released by the Life Insurance                                   The first-year premium or new business
         Council. New business premium is the  chairman                        premium of life insurers increased 2 per
         premium  earned  by  issuing  new  Deepak Parekh has decided to step  cent  to  Rs.  3,77,960  crore  in  the

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