Page 19 - Insurance Times June 2024
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ings products that secure higher retire-  those potentially developing into hur-  of parametric underwriting specialist
          ment incomes. As a result, total global  ricanes, of which five might become  New Paradigm Group.
          premiums are forecast to grow to USD  severe  hurricanes,  reaching  wind  Stuart Newcombe, former active un-
          4 trillion by 2034. In contrast, global life  speeds of over 110 mph (177 km/h).  derwriter for Munich Re Innovation
          insurance premiums grew by only USD  It is important to highlight that these  Syndicate 1840, has been named active
          300 billion in the entire low interest
                                            estimates are significantly higher than  underwriter for NormanMax Syndicate
          rate decade of 2010 to 2019.      the long-term average between 1950  3939.
          Paul Murray, Swiss Re's CEO Life &  and  2023 (12.0  named  storms,  of  NormanMax  has  partnered  with
          Health Reinsurance, says: "Higher in-  which 6.4 were hurricanes, with 2.8
                                                                               Apollo, which provides Lloyd’s manag-
          terest rates give consumers more at-  severe hurricanes).            ing agency services, via a long-term
          tractive options to secure their retire-  As well as this, Munich Re explained  partnership model. (In addition to pro-
          ment income and we are seeing very  that the forecasts are also well in ex-  viding third-party managing agency
          positive market growth for life insur-  cess of storm activity in the cyclical  services that support new Lloyd’s en-
          ance to meet this need. Higher inter-  warm phase in the North Atlantic since  trants, Apollo also is a re/insurer that
          est rates also allow insurers to meet  the mid-1990s (15.7 tropical storms, of  underwrites via three Lloyd’s syndi-
          their cost of capital. Reinsurers can  which 7.5 were hurricanes, with 3.3  cates.)
          furthermore support life insurers by  severe hurricanes).
          freeing up capital, boosting underwrit-                              Aon  completes  transac-
          ing capacity and focusing on product
          innovation for capital-light growth."  NormanMax Launches 1st        tion to acquire Global In-
                                            Nat Cat Parametric Lloyd’s         surance Brokers in India
          “Highly active” 2024 hurri-
                                            Syndicate,  Managed  by            Leading global reinsurance broker Aon
          cane season on the hori-          Apollo                             plc announced that it has successfully
          zon, says Munich Re               NormanMax Insurance Holdings, the  completed the transaction to acquire
                                                                               Global Insurance Brokers (GIB) and will
           Munich Re has indicated that the 2024  Miami, Florida-based parametric re/  become a part of the firm after the
          hurricane season in the North Atlantic  insurance group, has launched Lloyd’s  finalization of the National Company
          is expected to be highly active, as cur-  Syndicate 3939, in partnership with  Law Tribunal merger process.
          rent forecasts are suggesting that the  third-party managing agent Apollo.
          number of tropical cyclones could be                                 The process is expected to be com-
          “significantly higher than the long-term  NormanMax Syndicate 3939 is the first  pleted later this year. In the meantime,
          average.”                         syndicate to focuse on natural catas-  Global Insurance Brokers will operate
                                            trophe parametric re/insurance prod-  independently as an Aon company.
          In a recent report released by the firm,  ucts for hurricane, tropical cyclone,
          it explains that it is difficult to predict  typhoon and earthquake.  Rishi Mehra, Head of Aon for India, will
          how many will actually make landfall, but                            join the GIB board as its chairman sub-
          the increased number of storms raises  “NormanMax will combine 21st cen-  ject to customary approvals. Jon Pipe,
          the probability of multiple landfalls.  tury data and technology to create  CEO and principal officer of Aon India
                                            parametric solutions for clients around  Insurance Brokers and GIB's existing
          In addition, there is also a higher risk                             executive leadership team, will work
          of storms in the Gulf of Mexico and  the globe to address the natural disas-  closely with Mehra to help clients
          Caribbean Sea this year, increasing the  ter protection gap, at a time of in-  make better decisions to protect and
          likelihood of landfalls taking place  creased climate risk and volatility,” the  grow their business.
          across these regions.             company said.
                                                                               Mehra said, "This is an exciting mile-
          As per its report, Munich Re is antici-  NormanMax first received in-principal  stone in Aon's journey in India and re-
          pating above average hurricane activ-  approval from Lloyd’s to launch Syndi-  flects our commitment to the Indian
          ity in 2024 based on climatological con-  cate 3939 in December 2023.  market. The exceptional talent and
          ditions.                          NormanMax is led by CEO Bradley    breadth of capabilities across our two

          Leading research institutes are antici-  Meier, former founder, chairman and  firms will create opportunities for our
          pating approximately 23 named cy-  CEO of both Universal Insurance Hold-  colleagues and expand our ability to
          clones in the tropical North Atlantic for  ings and Universal Property and Casu-  better serve the growing needs of our
          the 2024 season, with roughly 11 of  alty Insurance Co. as well as co-founder  clients."

         18      June 2024    The Insurance Times
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