Page 17 - Insurance Times June 2024
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financial year ended March 31, 2024,  insurance industry has a market share  insurance products, the banking and
          compared with Rs. 3,70,543 crore in  of 41.13 per cent. while LIC has 56.87  insurance regulators are questioning
          the previous financial year.      per cent.                          the  need  to  forcefully  bundle  life
          As  per  Insurance  Regulatory  and  The sum assured for the life insurance  insurance products with loans offered
          Development  Authority  of  India  industry grew 21.55 per cent to Rs.  by small finance banks (SFBs).
          (IRDAI)  data,  Life  Insurance   88,48,606 crore (Rs. 72,80,103 crore).  It  was  recently  brought  to  the
          Corporation's  (LIC's)  first-year  Commenting on the growth in life  attention of the Reserve Bank of India
          premium declined 4 per cent to Rs.  insurance industry, the Life Insurance  that  SFBs  were  forcing  individual
          2,22,522 crore against Rs. 2,31,899  Council,  a  forum  to  coordinate  borrowers  to  get  a  life  insurance
          crore in the previous financial year. It  discussions between all stakeholders in  product  and  the  loan  amount
          witnessed decrease in segments of  the Indian life insurance industry, said:  disbursed to borrowers was net of
          individual single premium, individual  "The life insurance industry in India has  premium.
          nonsingle  premium,  group  single  been powering ahead by improving
          premium  and  group  non-single   insurance access and reaching out to  While MFIs (micro finance institutions)
          premium                           the uninsured section of the country's  are  permitted  to  sell  insurance
          The 25 private insurers registered  population."                     products in JLG, or joint liability group,
                                                                               loans, it is not permitted in the case of
          12.11 per cent growth in first-year
          premium at Rs. 1,55,437 crore (Rs. RBI, IRDAI lens on SFBs for       loans sold to individuals.
          1,38,643 crore). The highest growth  forcing insurance products      "It has come to a stage where banks
          was in the group single premium at 22                                threaten to cancel the sanctioned loan
          per  cent  at  Rs.  53,719  crore  (Rs.  on borrowers                if  a  borrower  declines  to  buy  an
          43,748  crore).  The  private  life  Cracking  down  on  misselling  of  insurance product. Since MFI loans
                                                                               have an  impact on the livelihood,
           HDFC Life declares highest ever bonus of Rs. 3,722                  borrowers end up taking insurance
                                                                               whether they need it or not because
           crore                                                               they won't be able to get the loan
           Private sector life insurer HDFC Life Insurance announced its highest-ever bonus  otherwise," said a senior executive of
           of Rs 3,722 crore on participating plans to nearly 22.23 lakh policyholders.  an SFB aware of the development.
           In participating or 'par' policies, life insurance companies share the benefit  Microfinance (MFI) loans are largely
           of profit in the form of bonuses with policyholders. These plans allow  small-ticket unsecured loans. Both the
           policyholders to share the company's profits, reflecting a mutual partnership  regulators, the  RBI and  IRDAI  are
           between the insurer and policyholders.
                                                                               probing SFBs and insurance companies
           Out of the total bonus amount, Rs 2,798 crore will be disbursed to policies  for making life insurance products
           in the current financial year (FY25), either in the form of maturity bonuses  mandatory along with such loans.
           or cash bonuses. Whereas, the remaining bonus will be payable in the future
           upon policy maturity, death or surrender.                           "On a Rs. 40,000 loan if 10 per cent
                                                                               must be reduced because it should go
           Speaking on the development, Vibha Padalkar, managing director and chief  towards  the  premium  for  a  life
           executive officer of HDFC Life, said, “We are delighted to announce an
           increase in the bonuses for our valued policyholders this year. Life insurance  insurance  product,  how  would  it
           policies are designed for the long term, and bonuses serve as a reward for  benefit the borrower?
           the loyalty of policyholders throughout the policy term. We are committed  "The  banking  regulator  has  been
           to providing the best products and services to our policyholders, ensuring  warning SFBs for the last two years to
           value for all our stakeholders.”                                    review such products because they
           HDFC Life had posted a 14.7 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth in net  may not be beneficial to anybody - the
           profit to Rs 411.66 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, from Rs  borrower, the bank or the insurance
           358.66 crore in the corresponding year-ago period, driven by profit  company.  But  with  malpractices
           emergence in the back book. In April 2024, the private life insurer clocked  continuing, the regulator is coming
           a 4.31 per cent growth in New Business Premium (NBP) to Rs 1,575.17 crore  down on a few banks," said a highly
           from Rs 1,510.08 crore in the year-ago period.                      placed source aware of the matter.

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