Page 14 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 14

The competitive market  dynamics
          spurred by this change may result in  Health insurance a distant dream for women in 49
          improved offerings and services for  seats going to pools
          consumers. Insurers will now be en-  Constituencies from six states and two Union Territories going to vote in
          couraged to design products that ca-  the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha elections are off the mark in meeting sev-
          ter specifically to the needs of senior  eral sustainable development goals (SDGs).
          citizens, including those with pre-exist-
                                              Health insurance among women remains a key challenge for all 49 constitu-
          ing conditions.
                                              encies. More than half of these constituencies are off target on 20 of the
          43%  consumers  faced               33 SDGs related to population, health, and socioeconomic well-being, ac-
                                              cording to a Business Standard analysis of the dataset from a study titled
          problems in health insur-           ‘Call for action: presenting constituency-level data on population, health,
          ance claims                         and socio-economic well-being related to 2030 Sustainable Development
                                              Goals for India’.
          As many as 43 per cent of insurance
          policyholders had difficulties processing
          their "health insurance" claims in the  proval to the hospital's TPA desk before  holding exorbitant hospital bills, in
          past three years on an aggregate ba-  admission of the patient, it said.  what can only be described as 'fleec-
          sis, says a survey.                                                  ing', Sridharan said. "Perhaps it's time
                                            Despite some interventions by IRDAI,
          "Challenges faced ranged from insur-  consumers continue to grapple with  to consider regulatory measures to
          ance companies rejecting claims by  insurance  companies  to  get  their  restore affordability and bolster con-
          classifying a health condition as a pre-  health claims. One of the top issues  sumer confidence in healthcare ser-
          existing condition to only approving a  that consumers have been regularly  vices," he said.
          partial amount," said the survey con-  writing about is that of rejection of  For instance, a health insurance poli-
          ducted by LocalCircles.           health insurance claims including can-  cyholder, who sought anonymity, said
          According to majority of those who  cellation of policies by insurance com-  that the annual premium for a Rs. 10-
          commented on the subject, the pro-  panies.                          lakh cover has  increased from Rs.
                                                                               29,740 for coverage period of April
          cess of claiming health insurance is
          extremely time consuming with many Rising  health  insurance         2018April 2019 to Rs. 31,305 for April
          policyholders and their family members  premium  leaves  buyers      2019-20, April 2020-21, April 2021-22)
          spending the last day of their hospital                              to Rs. 34,822 (April 2022-April 2023) to
          admission running around trying to get  sore                         Rs. 42,486 for (April 2023-24) and to
          their claim processed.            With premiums going through the roof,  about Rs. 51,000 for April 2024-25.
                                            people are anxious over health insur-  Health has been the fastest growing
          "In several cases cited by policy hold-
          ers on LocalCircles, it took 10-12 hours  ance burning a hole in their pockets.  insurance segment, clocking premium
          after the patient was ready for dis-  They want the government to expedite  of close to Rs. 1-lakh crore in 2023-24,
          charge for them to actually get dis-  the setting up of a health regulator or  reflecting a robust compounded annual
          charged because the health insurance  reduce the GST rate from current 18  growth rate of 20 percent, per latest
          claim was still getting processed," the  per cent to curb the surging cost of  General Insurance Council data.
          survey said.                      health insurance.                  Also,  the health segment  now  ac-
          By the time the claim is approved, the  According to Srinath Sridharan, an in-  counts for 38 per cent of the insurance
                                                                               market  with  more  than  50  crore
          patients are so tired that they have no  surance customer, the rise in health  people having some form of cover.
          energy to fight for any expenses that  premiums exceeds the average retail  Tapan Singhel, Chairman, General In-
          are disapproved by the insurance com-  inflation rate by 3-4x.       surance Council and Chairman of the
          pany. If they stay back at the hospital  "The sector's foundation seemingly  CII National Committee on Insurance
          another day to do so, the cost of that  rests on a distrust of its customers,  and Pensions, said: "We have been
          additional night's stay has to be borne  burdening policyholders with the onus  saying on various forums for a while
          by them.                          of proof and claims efforts. This is evi-  now that GST on health insurance
          According to several patients, this is the  denced by the persistently low claims  should be brought down from the cur-
          experience where the insurance com-  ratio and payouts," he said.    rent 18 per cent to the minimum slab
          pany has already provided a pre-ap-  Moreover, consumers are often left  of 5 per cent."

         14      June 2024    The Insurance Times
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