Page 43 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 43

Establish robust feedback mechanisms to collect and  For instance, AI and machine learning algorithms can quickly
             address customer concerns.                       analyze and assess the damage through images uploaded
                                                              by customers, speeding up the process.
             Embrace digital technologies to streamline the claim Customer Education - Bridging the Gap:
             intimation and processing process.               Despite the technological advancements, there exists a

             Stay  up-to-date  on  the  latest  claim  settlement  knowledge gap among policyholders regarding the nuances
             guidelines issued by insurers.                   of claim settlements. Insurers must invest in educational
                                                              programs that inform customers about the importance of
             Maintain clear and transparent communication with
                                                              timely notifications of claims, proper documentation, and
             policyholders throughout the claim settlement process.
                                                              the steps involved in the settlement process. This can be
             Proactively collect customer feedback and share it with  done through online webinars, informational booklets, and
             insurers.                                        interactive mobile applications that guide customers
                                                              through the claims process. Clients are becoming aware of
          Policyholders:                                      different practices followed by insurance companies and
             Carefully read and understand the terms and conditions  TPA's to their advantage needs proper redressal.
             of  their  policy,  especially  the  claim  settlement
             provisions.                                      Moreover, educational initiatives should also inform customers
                                                              about their rights and the responsibilities of insurers, making
             In the event of a loss, promptly inform their insurer and
                                                              the process transparent and trustful. Simplifying insurance
             cooperate with the claim settlement process.
                                                              jargon  into  layman's  terms  is  a  crucial  step  towards
             Provide clear and accurate documentation to support  empowering policyholders to make informed decisions.
             their claim.
             Share their feedback with their insurer and other Data Analytics:
             stakeholders to help improve the claim settlement  Big data analytics offers a vast potential to revolutionize
             process.                                         claim settlements in general insurance. By analyzing large
                                                              sets of data, insurers can identify patterns, predict risks, and
          Government:                                         streamline claims management processes. Predictive
             Continue to introduce reforms to streamline the claim  analytics can also help in fraud detection by flagging unusual
             settlement process and make it more customer-friendly.  claims for further investigation, which in turn protects
             Provide support to insurers and intermediaries to adopt  genuine customers and maintains market stability. With
             digital technologies and improve their operational  standardization of claim procedures things are turning
                                                              better for the customers. Data-driven insights can enable
                                                              insurers to offer personalized claim settlement processes
             Increase awareness among policyholders about their
                                                              based on the policyholder's history and preferences, thus
             rights and responsibilities.
                                                              improving the customer journey. Insurers can also use
                                                              analytics  to assess  their claim  settlement processes
          Enhancing Customer Experience through               continually and identify areas of improvement.

          Digital Transformation:
                                                              Regulatory Developments and Compli-
          The insurance industry in India is experiencing a digital
          transformation,  reshaping  the  landscape  of  claim ance:
          settlements. The incorporation of mobile applications, self-  Recent regulations by IRDAI have been directed towards
          service portals, and UPI payment system introduced by Govt.  making insurance more inclusive, ensuring fairness in policy
          of India have started to make the process more customer-  wordings, T&C explicitly mentioned will avoid flimsy claim
          friendly. By digitizing claims documentation, (settlement on  rejections and expediting the claim settlement process.
          video based on apps created by insurance companies)  Compliance with these regulations ensures that insurers
          notification, and tracking, insurers can significantly reduce  operate within a framework that is customer centric and
          the turnaround time for claim settlements,  thereby  fair. Insurers need to stay abreast of regulatory changes and
          increasing customer satisfaction.                   incorporate them into their processes. For example,

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