Page 42 - Insurance Times June 2024
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bridging the gap between insurers and the insured. To   streamline the claim settlement process, such as the
         further optimize the claim process, insurers can empower  online claim intimation facility and the mandate for
         intermediaries by assigning them the job of settlement of  insurers to settle claims within a specified timeframe.
         claims, up to a certain defined limit, on merits. This will  Insurers are increasingly leveraging digital technologies
         ensure that claims are settled promptly and efficiently, with
                                                                 to improve the customer experience. For example, AI-
         a personalized touch.
                                                                 powered chatbots are being used to provide real-time
                                                                 claim assistance and to automate claim processing
         Transparent Quantum: The Need of the                    tasks.

         Hour                                                    New products and services are being launched to meet
         Clarity breeds confidence. Policyholders deserve to know the  the evolving needs of policyholders. For instance,
                                                                 parametric insurance products offer coverage against
         objective quantum of their claims as defined in their policy.
                                                                 specific events, such as rainfall or earthquakes, without
         A transparent approach, where settlements align with pre-
                                                                 the need for physical inspections or documentation.
         stated policy terms, will only bolster trust in the industry.
                                                                 The insurance industry is also witnessing a growing focus
         Charting the Future with Fresh Perspec-                 on customer-centricity. Insurers are adopting a more
                                                                 holistic approach to risk management, offering value-
         tives:                                                  added services such as preventive risk assessments and
         The insurance sector in India has witnessed commendable  safety training.
         innovations in recent years. From the integration of AI and
         machine learning to enhance risk assessment to the   A Captivating Perspective for Insurance
         introduction of chatbots for real-time query resolution, we
         are on a transformative journey.                     Practitioners
                                                              The insurance landscape is changing rapidly, presenting new
         However, as practitioners, we mustn't get complacent. We  challenges and opportunities for practitioners. To thrive in
         must  always  strive  for  a  fresh  perspective,  pushing  this evolving environment, insurance professionals must
                                                              embrace a culture of innovation and continuous learning.
         boundaries to deliver unparalleled service.
                                                              Here are some tips for insurance practitioners:
         Action Points for Stakeholders:                         Stay abreast of the latest technological developments
             Digital Integration: Enhance user experience with   and regulatory changes.
             seamless online claim intimation platforms.
                                                                 Focus on developing customer-centric skills and
             Training & Development: Conduct regular workshops   solutions.
             for intermediaries, ensuring they are up-to-date with  Build strong relationships with intermediaries and other
             the latest in claim settlement protocols.
             Clear Communication: Transparently lay out claim    Contribute to the industry's growth by participating in
             quantums in policies and maintain open channels of  research and development initiatives.
             communication with policyholders.
                                                                 Be a role model for ethical and professional conduct.
             Feedback Mechanisms: Establish platforms where
             clients can share their claim experiences, providing us Actionable Insights for Improving Claim
             with insights to refine our processes.
         New  Developments  in  the  Insurance Insurers:

         Sector:                                                 Invest in digital infrastructure to create a seamless
                                                                 online claim intimation and processing platform.
         The  Indian  insurance  sector  is  undergoing  a  rapid
                                                                 Provide  regular  training  and  development  to
         transformation, driven by technological advancements and
         regulatory reforms. Here are some notable developments:  intermediaries on claim settlement protocols.
             The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority  Develop transparent and customer-friendly claim
             of India (IRDAI) has introduced a slew of initiatives to  settlement policies.

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