Page 37 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 37

environments, and the interaction between them, have   are now intangible, including intellectual property,
          fundamentally altered the landscape of BI. While BI    networks, platforms, and data. For these asset-light
          stemming from traditional physical damage remains a    technology-dominated companies, physical damage is
          potential risk, the influence of intangible risks is growing  relatively less concerning or destabilizing compared to
          exponentially. Worst-case revenue loss scenarios are   non-physical damage that affects income streams and
          increasingly attributed to non-physical damage. For these  cash flows.
          NDBI risks, the need for material damage as a precondition
                                                              3. Change in customer behavior: Over the years, a
          for BI becomes irrelevant.                             significant shift has occurred in how customers and
                                                                 businesses prefer to access products or services. The
          Changing business environment                          new  generation  of  customers  is  increasingly

          Several factors such as globalization, shift in the business  comfortable conducting all their purchases] or service
          asset structure, change in customer behavior, evolution of  transactions online. The catchphrase for accessing
          service and sharing economy are responsible for changing  products and services has evolved from "a few meters,
          the business environment (see Figure 1).               a mile, or a call" away, to simply "a few clicks or swipes"
                                                                                away. The widespread adoption of
                                                                                digitalization, e-commerce platforms,
                                                                                mobile  apps,  and  social  media
                                                                                platforms   has    driven   this
                                                                                transformation.  The  demand  for
                                                                                personalized experiences has spurred
                                                                                the  emergence  of  new  business
                                                                                models such as on-demand services,
                                                                                subscription-based models, and quick
                                                                                commerce,  also  known  as  q-
                                                                                4.  Growth  of  service  economy:
                                                                                Economies have transitioned from
                                                                                being  solely  product-based  to
                                                                                encompassing services, knowledge,
          Figure 1: Changing business environment.               and experiences. As this evolution continues, new
                                                                 businesses are emerging with a focus on catering to
          1. Globalization: During the last four decades, there has  these intangible metrics. In many cases, even core
             been a fundamental shift in the corporate landscape  product manufacturing companies are embracing
             from  localized  production  and  consumption  to   servitization, which involves creating a wrapper of
             globalization. In this globalized landscape, companies  service or experience around their products. These
             have diversified their operations and connected to a  companies often generate more revenue from these
             web of suppliers and consumers across the world. This  wrappers than from their products themselves. The
             has resulted in longer and more complex value chains.  emergence of connected devices driven by the internet-
             Even service-based companies are outsourcing their  of-things is further bolstering the business case for the
             business functions to other providers worldwide. The  service and experience economy.
             interconnectivity of businesses, customers, and suppliers  5. Emergence of sharing economy: Advancements in
             has led to a significant increase in the risk surface for  technology, the growth of online trust, and economic
             business interruption.                              factors have contributed to the evolution of the sharing
          2. Shift in asset structure: The assets held by companies  economy, also known as collaborative consumption. In
             and  their  valuations  have  shifted  from  being  this economic system, individuals or organizations share
             predominantly  physical  to  non-physical  assets.  resources, assets, or services directly with each other,
             Technology plays a crucial role in this transformation,  often facilitated through digital platforms. These
             as an increasingly significant portion of business assets  platforms act as intermediaries, facilitating interactions

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