Page 36 - Insurance Times June 2024
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occur due to events that may no longer be related to  revolutions focused on manufacturing with the help of
         physical  damage.  Non-physical  damage  business    mechanization and mass production. Companies and
         interruption (NDBI), as it is known, is growing in frequency,  industrial hubs were established for localized manufacturing.
         severity, and unique varieties.                      The most important risk faced by businesses during this era
                                                              was physical damage to property from fire, floods, and other
         Evolution of Traditional BI Insurance                perils. The BI cover created during this period worked in
                                                              conjunction with and because of damage to the underlying
         BI insurance is an essential component of risk management
                                                              property, which is known as the "material damage proviso."
         that enables businesses to recover after unexpected
                                                              BI insurance coverage is generally offered as a part of a
         interruptions and return to their pre-interruption state. The
                                                              standard business policy or purchased as an endorsement
         origin of BI dates to the early 19th century. In 1817, the
                                                              or rider to a property insurance policy.
         "Hamburger General-Feur-Kasse" (Hamburg Fire Office), a
         German insurer, became the first insurer to offer cover for
                                                              The third industrial revolution that followed focused on
         the loss of rent as a supplement to fire insurance. This marks
                                                              automation. The highlight of this revolution is the advent of
         the inception of a product that bears resemblance to BI
                                                              microprocessors, computers, and electronics. It further
         coverage sold today. Although this policy did not cover
                                                              paved  the  way  for  the  emergence  of  globalization,
         business profits or losses, it addressed a significant concern
                                                              outsourcing, and service industry. At this stage, the factors
         for businesses impacted by property damage.
                                                              triggering BI expanded to include contingent business
                                                              interruption, supply chain disruption, cyber risks, and
         The term "business interruption insurance" was not formally
                                                              pandemics that do not have a property damage causation.
         used in the initial decades. The coverage versions sold during
                                                              Contingent business interruption is another such risk,
         that period focused only on specific aspects like lost rent or
                                                              stemming from the interruption of business operations of a
         consequential  costs. Hence,  terms such as  "use and
                                                              critical supplier, customer, or partner due to a covered
         occupancy" and "gross earnings" insurance were commonly
         used as alternatives to BI until the mid-20th century. The  event such as a fire or natural disaster at their premises.
                                                              The trigger for BI and CBI is generally direct physical
         term BI insurance gained traction in the early 20th century
                                                              damage from  the covered peril to  property,  but the
         before becoming standardized in 1986 when the Insurance
                                                              difference lies in whether the damaged property belongs to
         Service Office (ISO) in the US recommended replacing "gross
                                                              the insured or pertains to their supplier, customer, or
         earnings" with "Business Income Coverage" to include
         broader financial losses due to business interruption. Since
         then, coverage has  considerably evolved to  provide
                                                              The ongoing fourth industrial revolution embodies new
         protection against loss from the covered peril incurred
                                                              technologies such as the internet-of-things, big data, cloud
         directly or indirectly.
                                                              computing, digitalization, artificial intelligence, autonomous
                                                              decision-making, and cyber-physical systems. As these
         BI insurance provides coverage for loss of revenue, reduction
                                                              technologies mature and gain business adoption, they pave
         in turnover, monthly mortgage, lease and rent payments for
                                                              the way for the emergence of new industries and business
         business space, loan payments for the business, taxes,
         payroll, costs related to temporary relocation, training costs  models, altering the way incumbents operate and shifting
                                                              the characteristics of BI, ultimately pushing it more towards
         for employees to learn how to handle new equipment, and
         other extra expenses. Extra expense coverage provides
         financial protection for extra expenses that a business incurs
         to keep operations running or to resume operations as Tectonic Drift Towards NDBI
         quickly as possible after a disruption. The benefits under the  The role played by businesses is continuously evolving,
         BI coverage are payable during the period of indemnity,  transitioning  from  commodities  trader  to  goods
         which is typically 12, 18, 24, or 36 months. Insurers will not  manufacturer, service provider, insight provider, experience
         provide cover for claims beyond the indemnity period.  stager, and transformation orchestrator. The coordination
                                                              required for these functions is expanding significantly. The
         The genesis and growth of BI insurance are synchronous  risks  affecting  businesses  have  also  taken  on  new
         with industrial revolutions. The first and second industrial  dimensions. The dynamic changes in the business and risk

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