Page 35 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 35



          Beyond Physical

          Damage                                                                  Srivathsan Karanai Margan

                                                                                     Insurance Domain Consultant
                                                                                     Tata Consultancy Services Ltd..

           BI refers to a situation in which the normal business operations of a company are disrupted or
           halted due to unexpected circumstances beyond its control. When business operations are affected,
           companies incur significant losses due to the temporary closure of facilities, damaged inventory
           or equipment, and other expenses.

                                                              inventory or equipment, and other expenses. BI could
                                                              financially strain a company and impact its revenue,
           Business interruption (BI) stands as one of the most
                                                              profitability, and ability to meet its financial obligations. As
           significant risks encountered by companies. Companies  part of the overall risk mitigation strategy, companies
           purchase business interruption insurance to mitigate the
                                                              purchase BI insurance, also known as business income
           loss of profit. BI insurance has traditionally been
                                                              insurance or loss of profit insurance.
           designed to shield businesses from financial losses
           stemming  from  physical  damage  to  the  insured  Traditionally, BI insurance has been designed to protect
           property. However, in contemporary times, a major BI  businesses from financial losses triggered by the total or
           incident could arise due to events unrelated to any  partial suspension of business operations due to the loss of
           physical damage. This article explores the fundamentals  use or damage to all or part of a building, plant, machinery,
           of  BI, delineates  how  evolving business  and risk  equipment, or other property, from perils such as fires,
           environments are precipitating a seismic shift towards  natural disasters, or other covered events. BI insurance
           non-physical damage business interruption (NDBI),  provides coverage for business income loss and the extra
           elucidates the challenges in insuring NDBI, and examines  expenses incurred.
           how new parametric solutions are revolutionizing NDBI
           insurance.                                         Over  the  years,  successive  industrial  revolutions,
                                                              globalization, technological growth, and adoption, and
                                                              changing customer behavior have transformed the business
          Introduction                                        environment. The risk environment that disrupts businesses

          BI refers to a situation in which the normal business  has also changed significantly. The confluence of both
          operations of a company are disrupted or halted due to  factors  has resulted in a paradigm shift in the basic
          unexpected circumstances beyond its control. When business  characteristics of BI.
          operations are affected, companies incur significant losses
          due to the temporary  closure of facilities, damaged  In the current landscape, a major business disruption could

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