Page 39 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 39

impact trade relationships and business partnerships. In  These risks are evolving, and their impact on each business
             the digital age, terrorism takes on a new narrative either  in a dynamically changing environment could be unique.
             as cyber terror or loss of business, often causing no  Today, no business can claim to be impervious to NDBI or
             physical damage but inflicting significant losses.  assert that they are adequately protected by traditional BI
                                                              insurance covers. Although these protection gaps and
          5. Regulatory risks: Events such as government-mandated
             public shutdowns due to health crises, withdrawal of  uninsured spaces have existed previously, they were
                                                              considered unquantifiable and uninsurable. In the current
             regulatory approvals or licenses from manufacturing
             companies, or closure of production facilities by  environment, where NDBI could cause significant disruption,
                                                              the primary concern for businesses is the risk of being
             regulatory bodies can lead to sudden disruptions. For
                                                              uninsured or underinsured. The market demand and appetite
             modern  businesses,  data,  and  its  management-  for comprehensive NDBI coverage, the insurance industry's
             encompassing sourcing, storage, processing, deriving  sensitivity in identifying these risks, the ability to build risk
             insights, and initiating action-have become central
                                                              models, the capacity to design coverage, and the efficiency
             nervous system activities. In this context, regulations
                                                              to deliver them, even for small-ticket opportunities, have
             pertaining to data privacy, cybersecurity, digital assets,  significantly improved.
             and the use of artificial intelligence algorithms have an
             impact  on  business  operations  temporarily  or
             indefinitely.                                                        ̱ ¾» ½±²¬·²«»¼ ·² ²»¨¬ ·­­«»

                Insurance firms issued 700 surety bonds worth Rs. 3,000 cr

           About 700 insurance surety bonds valued at around Rs 3,000 crore have been issued by different insurance companies
           so far, an official statement said. The statement further said state-owned NHAI has so far received 164 insurance
           surety bonds, consisting of 20 bonds for performance security and 144 bonds for bid securities.
           Insurance surety bonds are financial instruments, where insurers act as 'surety' and provide the financial guarantee
           that the contractor will fulfil its obligation as per the agreed terms. Wider adoption of such instruments will help to
           strengthen infrastructure development in the country.
           According to the statement, the Ministry of Finance has made insurance surety bonds at par with bank guarantees
           for all government procurement, and NHAI has been urging insurance companies and contractors to use insurance
           surety bonds as an additional mode of submitting bid security, and /or performance security.
           NHAI organised a workshop in New Delhi on the implementation of Insurance Surety Bonds (ISB) for NHAI contracts.
           The objective of this workshop was to review the progress made in the implementation of Insurance Surety Bonds
           and encourage participation from the stakeholders for wider adoption of the instrument, the statement said.

                  6 out of 10 individuals complain of insurance mis-selling

           A survey conducted by LocalCircles revealed that as many as six out of ten consumers of online insurance sales and
           service platforms have experienced dark patterns such as nagging, subscription traps, and forced actions. These dark
           patterns compromise the users’ choice, value, coverage benefits, and data.

           The survey found that 61% of those who purchased an insurance policy online experienced a subscription trap, where
           the platform made it difficult for them to cancel the policy. Additionally, 86% of respondents stated that the platforms
           frequently used a nagging approach when they tried to obtain an insurance quote or cancel a policy. Furthermore,
           57% of respondents reported that platforms frequently sought unnecessary personal details to provide a quote and
           sent unsolicited information or misused personal information.
           The rise of online insurance sales and service platforms has led to an increasing number of consumers facing dark
           patterns. These manipulative selling tactics, also known as dark patterns, have become a concern for consumers in
           the last nine months.

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