Page 32 - Insurance Times June 2024
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on a con joint reading of Section 44-A and Sections 38, 39 &  under consideration having due regard to the domestic law
          44 of the CPC.                                      and in particular Section 44A of the Code of Civil Procedure.

          The decree holder prayed for an Interlocutory Order to issue  "Section 44A of the code enables a foreign decree holder
          a warrant of arrest against the vessel together with Hull:  to execute a foreign decree in this country," a division bench
          tackle: Engines: Machinery equipments stores etc. The  comprising Justices S B Majmudar and Umesh C Banerjee
          learned Single Judge of the Andhra Pradesh High Court on  said dismissing an appeal of M.V. A L Quamar against an
          15th September, 1999, granted an interim order as prayed  Andhra Pradesh High Court order. The High Court had held
          for on a prima facie view of the matter that the Execution  that it was competent to issue attachment orders against
          Petition can be filed in the High Court which is otherwise  the merchant vessel on the basis of a decree against it issued
          having original admiralty jurisdiction. The records depict  by the High Court of Justice Queen's Bench Division
          that the appellant herein filed a petition to vacate the  Admiralty  Court  in  an  action  by  Tsavliris  Salvage
          interim order principally on the ground that the ownership  (International) Ltd. Justice Banerjee said "One can conclude
          of the ship having been transferred bona fide and for  that whereas the domestic law, execution scheme is
          valuable consideration to Quamar Shipping Ltd., the ship as  available under Sections 37, 38, 39, 41 and 42, Section 44A
          attached in terms of the order of 15th September, 1999,  depicts an altogether different scheme for enforcement of
          cannot possibly be kept under attachment in execution of  foreign judgements through Indian Courts."
          the decree against the original owner being the respondent
          No.2 herein. The appellant contended that in any event, the  The court said that when a decree is obtained from an
          latter being, not a party to the judgment, question of  Indian court to enforce in the country two years after it was
          execution on the basis thereof would otherwise be a total  obtained, "there exists a mandatory obligation to serve a
          miscarriage of justice.                             notice to show cause against the execution." However, the
                                                              court said in case of Section 44A, which enabled a foreign
          In terms of the order as above, the Execution Petition itself  decree holder to approach an Indian court for execution,
          was placed before the Bench of the learned Chief Justice  requirement of show cause notice was not mentioned even
          wherein upon recording concurrence as regards the   if the decree was over two-years old.
          maintainability of the petition it was observed that the
          Execution Petition be heard on merits and hence the Special  "In fine, the legal fiction created by Section 44A makes the
          Leave Petition before this Court under Article 136 of the  Andhra Pradesh High Court, the court which passed the
          Constitution being SLP No.4410 of 2000. Incidentally, as was  decree and as such competency of the High Court to
          in the record of this Court another SLP being SLP No.18616  entertain the execution proceeding cannot be doubted in
          of 1999 against the judgment of the Division Bench of the  any way," Justice Banerjee said. This order of dismissal
          High Court as passed earlier and as noticed above, and since  however, would not preclude the appellant herein, to obtain
          both the matters pertained to the same subject matter, this  release of the attached ship on furnishing a Bank guarantee
          Bench deemed it fit to hear both the appeals together and  of a nationalised Bank for suitable amount to the satisfaction
          deal with the same in one judgment.                 of the Registrar (Judl.) of the Andhra Pradesh High Court,
                                                              pending the execution proceedings. The amount of Bank
          Focussing on the most illuminating and lucid submissions of  Guarantee may be fixed by the Registrar (Judl.) after
          the learned Senior Advocates Shri P. Chidambaram, for the  hearing the parties or their advocates.
          appellant and Shri Ashok H. Desai, for the respondent No.1,
          Mr. Chidambaram, has also placed strong reliance on the  Furnishing of such Bank Guarantee will be in addition to the
          Brussels Convention, being the international convention  undertakings required to be furnished by the appellant
          relating to the arrest of seagoing ships of 1952: while it is  pursuant to the order of the High Court which is subject
          true that India has not adapted the same, but its relevance  matter of civil appeal arising out of SLP (C) No.18616 of 1999.
          however cannot be doubted in any way in the perspective  “Furnishing of such Bank Guarantee will also be without
          of maritime lien. Mr. Ashok H. Desai for the respondent No.1  prejudice to the appellants rights and contentions regarding
          and being the decree holder, however, in no uncertain terms  the merits of the decree-holders claim qua the arrested ship.
          contended that as a matter of fact it is of no significance at  Once such Bank Guarantee is furnished by the appellant and
          all if the judgment be termed to be the judgment in rem or  requisite undertakings as earlier ordered by the High Court
          judgment in personam especially in the facts of the matter  are filed, the ship will be released from attachment and will

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