Page 36 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 36

It may be recalled that a Division Bench of the Supreme  Common frauds include "padding," or inflating claims;
          Court had recently directed a Special Investigation Team to  misrepresenting facts on an insurance application; submitting
          submit an urgent report regarding a similar fraud in Uttar  claims  for injuries  or damage that never occurred; and
          Pradesh involving 27 advocates and  police. Same gang  staging accidents. People who commit insurance fraud
          accused in one case, witness in another and guarantor in  include:
          another A preliminary inquiry into the fraud was carried out  organized criminals who steal large sums through
          following a letter written by the insurance company to the  fraudulent business activities,
          state police chief last August.
                                                                 professionals and technicians who inflate service costs
                                                                 or charge for services not rendered,
          During investigation, it was found that fraud was committed
                                                                 and ordinary people who want to cover their deductible
          by presenting fake treatment certificates and changing the
                                                                 or view filing a claim as an opportunity to make a little
          accident site, time and vehicle. It was also found that the
          gang, including advocates, presented themselves as accused
          in one case, witnesses in another and guarantors for bail in
                                                              Some insurance lines are more vulnerable to fraud than
          several other cases. Meanwhile, Deputy Superintendent of
                                                              others. Healthcare, workers' compensation, and  auto
          Crime Branch submitted a report seeking registration of
                                                              insurance are generally considered to be the sectors most
          cases after re-examination of the cases. State Police Chief
          has warned that a big mafia is active in fraud of auto
          insurance claims in the state and the police should keep a
          strict vigil on this front. During investigation of an insurance Fraud Scenarios
          fraud that took place at Thiruvananthapuram traffic station  India is one of the biggest markets for insurance companies
          in  2015,  it was  found that a particular scooter  with  across the world. However, it also needs to be understood
          registration number KL:-01-1372 was involved in 11 accidents  that operating an insurance business in India is not free from
          during a period of two years. The police are yet to recover  risks. This is because insurance companies in India face an
          this two-wheeler. This particular registration number was  abnormally large number of fraud cases. In fact, it is
          used to execute six claims of National Insurance Company  estimated that the Indian insurance industry loses close to
          and five claims of New India Assurance Company for  $6 billion to insurance fraud in India. This works out to about
          committing fraud. In eight cases compensation has been  8.5% of all the premiums collected every year. Insurance
          claimed.                                            data is dynamic and hence data analytics cannot depend only
                                                              on past behaviour patterns and so data has to be updated
          Insurance  fraud  is  a  deliberate                 regularly.

                                                              Predictive analysis can play a significant role in identifying
          Insurance frauds are typically committed at the time of
                                                              distributor  nexus, mis-selling and repeated misrepre-
          applications or claims.  Nearly 70%  of these frauds  are
          committed  via  falsification of documents. According to
          industry estimates, insurers lose close to 10% of their overall
          premium collection to frauds. The last year-and-a-half has
          brought  ground-breaking  changes  to  insurance:
          unprecedented  digitalisation, rapidly evolving customer
          expectations,  and transforming fraudulent behaviours.
          Insurance fraud is a deliberate deception perpetrated
          against or by an insurance company or agent for the purpose
          of financial gain.

          Fraud may be committed at different points by applicants,
          policyholders, third-party claimants, or professionals who
          provide  services  to  claimants.  Insurance  agents and
          company employees may also commit insurance fraud.

           36  The Insurance Times, October 2022
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