Page 41 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 41

additional data on financial behaviour.  The success of the  relying on their own internal data, insurers are turning
          battle against insurance fraud therefore depends on two  to industry fraud-watch lists, public records, third-party
          elements:                                              data aggregators,  social-media  data and data  from
             The level of priority assigned by legislators, regulators,  personal devices.
             law enforcement agencies and society
                                                                 A picture is worth a thousand data points. Insurers
             The resources devoted by the insurance industry itself  are  flocking  to  photo  analysis  technology  to
                                                                 authenticate claim damage, identify digitally altered
          Most insurers have established special investigation units  images, and index pictures submitted in other claims.
          (SIUs) to help identify and investigate suspicious claims.
                                                                 Investigators are clamoring for more resources. New
          These units range from small teams, whose primary role is
                                                                 anti-fraud  technology  is  creating  efficiencies  in
          to train claim representatives to deal with the more routine
                                                                 investigative processes, but the resources insurers are
          kinds  of fraud  cases, to teams of trained investigators,
                                                                 dedicating to internal and external investigative teams
          including former law enforcement officers, attorneys,
                                                                 are insufficient to keep pace with the billions in fraud
          accountants and  claim  experts. More  complex  cases
                                                                 committed each year. Limited IT resources were the top
          involving large-scale criminal operations or individuals that
                                                                 anti-fraud challenge.
          repeatedly stage accidents may be turned over to the NICB,
          which has special expertise in preparing fraud cases for trial
                                                              India's insurance industry has significantly digitised its fraud
          and serves as a liaison between the insurance industry and
                                                              investigations in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, a new
          law enforcement agencies.
                                                              survey of industry professionals has revealed. Organizations
                                                              were using digital solutions for investigations, while some
                                                              are in various stages of planning the transition to digital.
                                                              Use of technology to combat fraud
                                                              One of the most effective means of combating fraud is the
                                                              adoption of data technologies that cut the time needed to
                                                              recognize fraud. Advances in  analytical technology are
                                                              crucial  in  the  fight  against  fraud  to keep  pace  with
                                                              sophisticated rings  that constantly develop new  scams.
                                                              Traditional approaches, such as using automated red flags
                                                              and business rules, have been augmented by predictive
                                                              modeling, and link analysis-which examines the relationships
                                                              between items  like people, places and events. Artificial
                                                              intelligence can be used, among other tools, to uncover
                                                              fraud before a payment is made. These newer strategies
                                                              are employed when claims are first filed. Suspicious claims
                                                              are  flagged  for  further  review,  while  those  with  no
                                                              suspicious elements are processed normally.

                                                              In search of refinement, insurers  are blending tools to
          Additional  takeaways  from the latest study
                                                              improve their fraud detection programs. Programs that scan
                                                              insurance claims have been improved by the consolidation
             Anti-fraud technology is flourishing. The study identified
                                                              of insurance industry claims databases. Systems that identify
             automated red flags (88%), predictive modeling, text
                                                              anomalies in a database can be used to develop algorithms
             mining,  reporting  capability,  case  management,
                                                              that enable an insurer to automatically stop claim payments.
             exception reporting, and data visualization/link analysis
                                                              The  greatest  challenges  for  insurers  are  limited  IT
             among insurers' most used anti-fraud technologies.
                                                              resources, which affects about three-quarters of insurers.
             Insurers are diversifying their data sources. Beyond  This is followed by problems in data integration.
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2022 41
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