Page 43 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
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the fact that their identities have been stolen. Fraudulent  insurers detect patterns, identify nexus and track mis-selling.
          claims account for a significant portion of all claims received  While there is no  doubt that the insurance segment is
          by insurers, and cost billions of dollars annually. Types of  witnessing an unprecedented annual growth, Insurers
          insurance fraud are diverse and occur in all  areas of  continue to struggle with loss-leading portfolios and lower
          insurance. Insurance crimes also range in severity, from  insurance penetration among consumers. Insurers are facing
          slightly exaggerating claims to deliberately causing accidents  increasing pressure to strike the right  balance, while
          or damage.                                          ensuring adherence to underwriting and claims decisions in
                                                              the face of regulatory pressures, growth of digital channels
          Fraudulent activities affect the lives of innocent people, both  and increasing competition.
          directly through accidental or intentional injury or damage,
          and indirectly by the crimes leading to higher insurance  Adding to this is the need to secure the good risks, while
          premiums. Insurance fraud poses a significant problem, and  weeding out the bad risks. In the insurance industry, an
          governments and other organizations try to  deter such  estimated Rs 250 crore is the fraud losses every year. Of this,
          activity. The rising instances of fraudulent claims are a major  the health insurance-related fraud is estimated to be Rs 50
          concern for the insurance industry. Fraud cases cost not only  crore. Here  the  most  common  frauds are  related  to
          the insurer but, also the honest people as the rates are  exaggerated medical bills presented by a hospital or fake
          increased owing to the losses borne by the companies.  hospital bills presented by a patient.

          In a bid to prevent fraudulent claims from going through,  Insurance fraud is the act committed with the purpose to
          insurers  are updating their fraud detection capabilities.  obtain outcome from an insurance process in a fraudulent
          Fraudulent and dishonest claims are major morale and moral  way. It is a big, unending problem in almost all countries
          hazard, not only for the insurance industry but even for the  around the world. Such rip-offs cost a whopping amount for
          entire nation's economy. Insurance fraud is more common  these governments.
          in semi-urban and rural areas where insurers might not have
          adequate infrastructure for a thorough inspection.  Today everyone is looking out for the best ways to make a
                                                              quick  buck!  In the event  of expecting quick returns,
          Insurance frauds in the form of inflated or false claims hurt  sometimes it takes the form of gaining through forged
          not only the insurance companies, but also their customers  insurance claims. According to a recent survey, the number
          or insurance buyers, who have to pay higher premiums as a  of forged insurance claims accounts to 10-15 % of total
          result. Insurance frauds are typically committed at the time  claims in India. Insurers are doing everything they can to
          of applications or claims and cost a whopping amount every  beat the evil impacts of extortion and headway in innovation
          year to insurance companies. Nearly 70 per cent of these  could assist with going far in this battle.
          frauds are committed through false documents. According
          to industry estimates, insurers lose close to 10 per cent of  References:
          their overall premium collection to frauds.
          The  growing  adoption  of  technologies  like  artificial
          intelligence and data  analytics  are enabling better and
          faster insurance investigations, which augurs well for the
                                                              3.  h t t p s : / / w w w . l i v e m i n t . c o m / O p i n i o n /
          whole industry. Like in most developed insurance markets,
          it is imperative that data on policies, claims and customers
          be made available on a shared platform, in real-time.
          Such a platform can  allow for real-time enquiries on
          customers. It can also facilitate screening of the originator
          of every proposal. Insurers would contribute policy, claims
          and distributors' information to the repository on a regular  7.  IRDAI Annual Report 2020-21
          basis. Such data repositories can provide insights to help  8.  Newspapers & Journals
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