Page 39 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 39

In Gurugram, fake insurance claim unravels racket-The
          insurance fraud was discovered by chance, after possibly a
          few hundred claims, because of an insurance policy that was
          linked to three others. It was a meticulously planned
          insurance fraud built on a foundation of data stolen from
          insurance  companies,  potentially  earnings  for  its
          perpetrators hundreds of crores in life insurance claims on
          around 10,000 fake deaths -- but it was discovered by
          chance, after possibly a few hundred claims, because of an
          insurance policy that was linked to three others. The lady
          complained to the police, and the fraud came to light.

          The gang members used to work 14 hours a day, making
          calls and sending emails for insurance claims. The gang, the
          police claimed, opened at least 300 bank accounts in
                                                              numbers, or those of deceased individuals. Data accessed
          different places in Delhi-NCR. They planned to dupe more
                                                              from various sources will help  identify if the person in
          than 10,000 families  of their insurance money, Physical
                                                              question is using multiple identities or multiple people are
          verification is not mandatory for insurance claims less than
                                                              using the identity presented.  The use of public, private and
          Rs.40 lakh. The gang was aware of this. However, they were
                                                              proprietary databases to obtain information not typically
          unaware that the policyholder had multiple linked policies
                                                              found in an individual's wallet to create knowledge-based
          with the same company. As per investigation, a gang of six
                                                              authentication questions which are designed to be answered
          is behind the fraud, built around stolen insurance data,
                                                              only by the correct individual can also help reduce fraud
          forged death certificates, hundreds of bank accounts, and
          fake claims. Police have arrested four of the gang. They have
          so far recovered at least 250 insurance claim documents
                                                              Auto insurance fraud
          from their possession. They believe the gang may have
          actually claimed money against 150 policies.        Motor Insurance is the biggest and most lucrative sector in
                                                              General Insurance business followed by Health Insurance
          In life insurance sector, the equation is quite different, there  Sector. Motor Insurance in India has around 40-45% of total
          are mainly four types of Schemes of frauds, Mis-selling of  general insurance premium. Fraud rings or groups may fake
          Insurance Policy, which mean selling the Term Plan instead  traffic deaths or stage collisions to make false insurance or
          of ULIP and vice versa. This scheme costs 36% of the total  exaggerated claims and collect insurance money. The ring
          frauds  in Life Insurance  Sector  followed by the Fake  may involve insurance claims adjusters and other people
          Documentation Scheme with 33%. India's life insurers suffer  who create phony police reports to process claims. A real
          from low persistency rates that see more than one in three  accident may occur, but the dishonest owner may take the
          policies lapse by the end of the second year. This may be  opportunity to incorporate a whole range of previous minor
          attributed to mis-selling, misrepresentation  of material  damage to the vehicle into the garage bill associated with
          facts,  premeditated  fabrication  and  in  other  cases  the real accident.
          suppression of facts.
                                                              Personal injuries may also  be exaggerated, particularly
          Life insurers have been facing fraud that is largely data driven  whiplash. Insurance fraud cases of exaggerated claims can
          and can be curbed with effective use of data analytics. While  also include claiming damage to the car that is not from the
          seeking customer information, insurers  should perform  accident reported in the claim While a high repudiation rate
          checks against public record databases to ensure they have  (claims that have been written back) does make sense for
          insights into the validity of personal information. This can  the insurer, it also erodes customer trust considerably. The
          be achieved through data mining and validation from various  insurance industry is looking to strike a balance between
          sources. For instance, in  the US,  frauds are committed  identifying (and averting) frauds, and paying out genuine
          through stolen social security numbers or driver's license  claims while weeding out the spurious ones.

                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2022 39
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