Page 5 - The Insurance Times August 2022
P. 5

Universal  Sompo  eyes            to leverage their support in reinsur-  'file and use' products, the competition
                                            ance and global relationship with Japa-  will  ensure  better  value  for
          growth push on insuretech
                                            nese businesses," he said.         customers."
          Universal Sompo General Insurance is
          preparing for a high-growth second                                   Better road safety mea-
                                            Pay motor insurance pre-
          innings following the amalgamation of
          its original promoter Allahabad Bank mium on drivers behavior        sures  could  save  half  a

          with Indian Bank.                 Insurance companies will soon offer million  lives  annually
                                            vehicle owners analytics-based insur-
          Part of the new strategy is to integrate                             worldwide: Study
                                            ance that include 'pay as you drive'
          with Indian Bank's systems for distribu-
                                            policies and covers where the premium  New  global and country-level esti-
          tion. The general insurer is also taking
                                                                               mates suggest that routinely wearing
                                            varies according to driving behaviour.
          the help of a startup Cover Genius, in
                                                                               helmets and seat belts, obeying speed
                                            Companies have also been allowed to
          which  Sompo  recently  acquired  a
                                            issue floater policies for multiple ve-  limits, and avoiding driving drunk could
          stake,  to  integrate  systems with e-
                                                                               save  between 347,000  and 540,000
                                            hicles belonging to the same owner.
          commerce and other distributors.
                                                                               lives worldwide every year.
                                            "As a step towards facilitating technol-
          MD & CEO Sharad Mathur told  that
                                            ogy-enabled covers, IRDAI has permit-  The benefits  of  more motorcyclists
          the company is taking the help of man-
                                                                               wearing  helmets  would  be  the
                                            ted general insurance companies to
          agement consultancy firm BCG for in-
                                                                               biggest in China, where 13,703 lives
                                            introduce tech-enabled concepts for
          tegration  with  that  of  Indian  Bank.
                                                                               could be saved every year, followed by
          "We have used the Covid period for a  the motor own damage (OD) cover,"
                                                                               Brazil (5,802 lives),  and India  (5,683
          transformation of the company. We  the IRDAI said in a statement. Accord-
                                                                               lives), says the study published in The
          have digitized the ecosystem and are  ing  to  the  regulator,  the  advent  of
          able  to  underwrite  and  distribute  technology has created a relentless
          through partners using digital assets,"  pace for the insurance fraternity to rise  Analysis of data from 74 studies in 185
          said Mathur.                      up to interesting yet challenging de-  countries estimates that targeting four
                                            mands of millennials.              key risk factors for road injuries and
          According to Mathur, Sompo's invest-
                                                                               deaths (speeding, drink driving, and
          ment in Cover Genius enables the com-  Digit Insurance MD & CEO Jasleen Kohli
                                                                               non-use  of crash  helmets  and seat
          pany to use its service to embed insur-  said, "This will encourage insurers to
                                                                               belts) could prevent between 25% and
          ance with partners and sell small ticket  come out with new tech-enabled mo-
                                                                               40% of all fatal road injuries worldwide
          insurance like extended warranties in  tor products and increase competition.
                                                                               every year.
          Flipkart  and  travel  cover  in  We wholeheartedly welcome it. With
          MakeMyTrip. "In addition to Sompo's  impending open architecture for all  Interventions to reduce speeding such
          investment in insuretech, we are able  distribution channels and changes to  as  infrastructure  changes and elec-
                                                                          The Insurance Times, August 2022   5
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