Page 6 - The Insurance Times August 2022
P. 6

tronic speed control could save an es-  Tomar  said  the  Centre  has  made  According to a Cognizant release, The
          timated 347,258 lives globally  each  PMFBY simple and convenient as per  company will help NICL improve cus-
          year, while measures to tackle drunk  the suggestions of states. It is working  tomer experience at every step of their
          driving such as enhanced drink driving  continuously with states to improve the  journey, including applications, claims
                                            condition  of farmers  and transform  processing, and underwriting, while
          enforcement  could  save  a  further
                                            agriculture into advanced farming.  continuing to improve ease of doing
          16,304 lives, the study says.
                                                                               business, provide greater operational
                                            In the meeting, the Andhra Pradesh
          An estimated 121,083 and 51,698 lives
                                                                               agility and efficiency, application secu-
                                            Chief Minister thanked the Centre for
          could be saved by passing and enforc-
                                                                               rity, financial and regulatory compli-
                                            reimplementing PMFBY in the state.
          ing rules on wearing seat belts and
                                                                               ance, and drive business growth.
          motorcycle helmets respectively.  On July  7, a  team headed by Union
                                                                               "We are committed to supporting the
                                            Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja had
          Improving seat belt use would have a
                                                                               forward-looking technology vision of
                                            given a presentation to the chief min-
          particularly large effect on reducing
                                                                               National Insurance Company and facili-
                                            ister regarding the scheme.
          road deaths in the United States (sav-
                                                                               tating their digital transformation jour-
          ing an estimated 14,121 lives every  Keeping in view  the suggestions of
                                                                               ney," said Achal Kataria, Vice-President
          year)  and  China  (13,228).  Tackling  Andhra Pradesh and other states, the
                                                                               and India Country Head, Cognizant.
          speeding would be the single most ef-  Centre had revamped the scheme in
                                                                               "Our strong technology consulting and
          fective measure to reduce road fatali-  February 2020 with new features, such
                                                                               digital capabilities will be applied to
          ties in most countries, preventing an  as voluntary enrolment for all farmers,
                                                                               assist NICL in offering an improved and
          estimated 88,374 deaths  in China,  wider use of technology in yield estima-
                                                                               secure customer experience."
          1,027 in Spain, and 815 in the United  tion, risk coverage to choose for pay-
          Kingdom.                          ment of sum insured to states as per
                                                                               Premium  mobilisation:
                                            the option and prevailing risk profile.
          AP decides to rejoin Fasal                                           PSU general insurers lose
                                            Cognizant wins multi-year market share in Jun quar-
          Bima  Yojana  in  current
                                            contract from National In- ter
          kharif season after tweaks
                                            surance Company                    With public sector insurance general
          Andhra Pradesh has decided to rejoin
                                                                               companies, which once monopolised
          the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana  Cognizant  Technology Solutions has
                                                                               the sector, focusing more on profits,
          (PMFBY) from the ongoing kharif sea-  been selected as a technology provider
                                                                               they have lost market share in gross
          son, the Union Agriculture Ministry  by National Insurance Company to ac-
                                                                               premium underwritten to the aggres-
          said.                             celerate and help manage its digital
                                                                               sive private sector during the quarter
                                            transformation. NICL is one of India's
          The decision to rejoin the scheme was
                                            leading public-sector general insurance  ended June 30, 2022.
          taken after virtual talks between Union
                                            companies.                         While the  market  share  of  private
          Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh
                                                                               companies rose to 51.82 per cent in
          Tomar and state's Chief Minister Y S  NICL awarded the multi-year mandate
                                                                               June 2022 from 47.63 per cent a year
          Jagan Mohan Reddy.                to the US-based software company
                                                                               ago,  PSU  general  insurers  lost  the
                                            with a  large presence in India to el-
          "Andhra Pradesh has decided to imple-
                                                                               market share from 42.23 per cent to
                                            evate its technology roadmap, help
          ment the PMFBY from kharif-2022 sea-
                                                                               37.85 per cent. Gross premium collec-
                                            manage its centralised web-based core
          son," an official statement said.
                                                                               tion of general insurance companies
                                            insurance solution comprising multiple
          Tomar said with this important deci-                                 showed a growth of 23 percent at Rs
                                            applications, underlying technology in-
          sion, crops of more than 40 lakh farm-                               54,492 crore  for the quarter  ended
                                            frastructure and security, and provide
          ers  of  the  state  will  get  insurance                            June 30, 2022.
                                            consulting  services,  among  other
          cover in case of natural calamity.
                                            things.  Cognizant  will also  support  According to the data available from
          PMFBY  and  Restructured  Weather-  NICL's technology roadmap by leverag-  the General Insurance Council, private
          Based  Crop  Insurance  Scheme    ing digital technologies such as artifi-  sector companies registered  higher
          (RWBCIS)  were  implemented  in   cial intelligence,  machine  learning,  growth of 33.8 percent at Rs 28,235
          Andhra Pradesh from kharif-2016 to  automation, and microservices-based  crore  in premium collection  for the
          kharif-2019.                      architecture.                      June quarter. However, four public sec-
           6  The Insurance Times, August 2022
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