Page 8 - The Insurance Times August 2022
P. 8

IRDAI permits 'use & file'        Agriculture and allied activities consti-  "Here we now realise that this has to
                                            tute one of the largest sources of liveli-  be a continuous process, the period for
          for agriculture products
                                            hood in India.                     which they are allowed to test such
          IRDAIhas allowed general insurers to                                 products in the market is only limited
                                            Also, the adverse impact of natural ca-
          launch products for the agriculture and
                                            tastrophes on the vulnerable segments  to six months. We are now proposing to
          allied activities without its prior ap-
                                            of society is enormous and underlines  expand that period to even up to three
          proval. Last month, IRDAI had permit-
                                            the need to design and offer suitable  years, particularly for life  insurance
          ted insurers to launch health and most
                                            insurance products for their protection,  products," Panda said.
          of the general insurance products by
                                            IRDAI said.                        "Work is in progress and the insurtech
          extending the ambit of 'use and file'
                                                                               players are raring to grow, they are all
          procedure, thus giving them greater
                                            IRDAI may extend testing           enthused, so technology is also coming
          leeway in designing and pricing of in-
          surance  covers  in line with  market period  to 3  years under      in. Here we have to build-up our capac-
                                                                               ity to regulate them in a manner as far
                                            regulatory sandbox
                                                                               as the market product is concerned,"
          The 'use and file' procedure was also  IRDAI is mulling to extend testing of  he said.
          extended to most of the life insurance  products under the regulatory sandbox
          products.                         mechanism to up to three years.
                                                                               8 new Insurance Ombuds-
          "In order to facilitate the insurance in-  The IRDAI Chairman said all these ini-
                                                                               men selected
          dustry to promote insurance penetra-  tiatives will help in furthering the goal
          tion and enhance coverage in the un-  of insurance penetration and reaching  A selection panel of the Ministry of Fi-
          served and underserved areas by de-  out to more and more people.    nance (MoF) has selected eight new
          signing suitable and need-based prod-                                Insurance Ombudsmen for various cen-
                                            "The insurtech ecosystem is raring to
          ucts covering agriculture and allied ac-                             tres across the country.
                                            grow. At IRDAI we have already devel-
          tivities, the Authority...hereby permits
                                            oped something called the regulatory  Atul Sahai, former CMD, New India As-
          the general insurers to file retail prod-
                                            sandbox mechanism where the proof  surance (NIA)  has been selected for
          ucts for agriculture and allied activities  of a concept is actually being allowed  Lucknow along with Manoj K Parida, a
          under the Use and File procedure," it  to be tested on the ground. We are in-  retired IAS officer for Bhubaneswar,
          said in a circular.               formed that the regulatory sandbox has  Bimbadhar Pradhan (retired IAS officer
                                            some shortcomings," Debasish Panda,
          This move, the regulator said will facili-                           for Noida), Sumeet Jerath (retired IAS
                                            Chairperson, IRDAI said during a talk
          tate insurance companies to design and                               officer  for  Delhi), C  Vikas  Rao  (for
          launch innovative products for these                                 Ahmedabad),  Kiran  Sahdev  (LIC,
          segments in a timely manner and ex-  As of now, the applicants under the  Kolkata), Susmita Mukherjee (a former
          pand the choices available to the poli-  regulatory sandbox  mechanism  can  director, NIA for Patna), Sunil Jain (re-
          cyholders.                        apply through cohorts.             tired principal commissioner, Customs,

           8  The Insurance Times, August 2022
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