Page 210 - Operations Strategy
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                            Figure 5.13  Potential perception mismatches in supply chains

                                                          Market requirements
                                                Market                        Market
                                              perception       Supply        perception
                                                 gap           choice          gap
                                        What A                        What B
                                        thinks         What B         thinks         What A
                                        B wants        wants          A wants        wants

                                            Operations                    Operations
                                            improvement gap               improvement gap
                               Operation A                   Operation B                   Operation C
                                                   Supplier                      Supplier
                                              improvement gap              improvement gap

                                        How A          How B          How B          How C
                                       thinks it is   thinks A is    thinks it is   thinks B is
                                       performing     performing     performing     performing
                                              Operations       Supply        Operations
                                              performance    development    performance
                                                 gap                           gap
                                                         Operations performance

                 Table 5.3  understanding the qualitative dynamics of supply chains

                 Gaps             Definition             What it indicates      Questions to ask
                 Supply choice    The association between   The significance of a   What are the key  competitive
                                    what an operation believes     supply arrangement for   factors for our customers?
                                    its customer wants and     competitive success.  Which of these rely on our
                                    what it believes it needs                     supplier’s performance?
                                    from its supplier.
                 Supply development  The association between how  The effectiveness of a   What have been our
                                    an operation views its own     supplier arrangement on     competitive successes and
                                    performance and how it   competitive success.  failures?
                                    views the  performance of                   To what extent were our
                                    its suppliers.                                competitive successes
                                                                                  and failures the result of
                                                                                    supplier performance?
                 The supplier improve- The gap between our view of  Prioritisation for supplier   What do we need from our
                   ment gap         our own requirements and   development.       suppliers?
                                    our view of our   supplier’s                What are we getting from
                                    performance.                                  our suppliers?
                                                                                What are the main gaps?

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