Page 215 - Operations Strategy
P. 215

190 CHAPTER 5 • PuRCHAsing And suPPly sTRATEgy

                             Figure 5.15  Matching the operations resources in the supply chain with market

                                       INNOVATIVE  Unpredictable  Many changes  High variety  Price mark-downs  Short lead-time  High margin  Mismatch  Match

                                  Market requirements  FUNCTIONAL  Predictable  Few changes  Low variety  Price stable  Long lead-time  Low margin  Match  Mismatch

                                                              Low cost        Fast response
                                                          High utilisation    Low T/P time
                                                          Min. inventory      Deployed inventory
                                                       Low-cost suppliers     Flexible suppliers
                                                            EFFICIENT         RESPONSIVE
                                                           PROCESSES          PROCESSES

                                                          Operations resources
                             Source: Adapted from Fisher, M.C. (1997) ‘What is the right supply chain for your product?’ Harvard  Business
                             Review, March–April, pp. 105–116.

                           at one rate of interest and lent it to their corporate clients at a higher rate of interest.
                           This ‘spread’ between the two interest rates was how they earned their revenue. Other
                           services that may have been provided to clients were used to justify, or even increase, this
                           spread. Now large corporations have direct access to those same capital markets, partly
                           because information technology makes it easy for them to do so. Corporate banking
                           now makes its revenue by guiding and facilitating this process, advising clients on the
                           best way to exploit capital markets. Corporate banks charge fees for these services. Dis-
                           intermediation has caused the whole business model of corporate banking to change.

                           Purchasing and supply chain risk

                           The increased significance of purchasing and supply strategies reflects the growing
                           importance of outsourcing and the reliance on global supply networks. We have already
                           discussed the numerous significant benefits associated with these trends (i.e. efficiency,
                           improved business focus, reduced capital investment, etc.) but, inevitably, increased
                           dependency on suppliers increases exposure to suppliers’ risk profiles. Consider the
                           attractions of building a strong relationship with a single source of supply. This might

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