Page 220 - Operations Strategy
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noTEs on THE CHAPTER  195
                             Oliveira, A. and Gimeno, A. (2014) ‘Supply Chain Management Strategy: Using SCM to
                                 Create Greater Corporate Efficiency and Profits’, FT Press Operations Management.
                             Van Weele, A. (2009) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning
                               and Practice, 5th Edition. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

                              notes on the chapter

                             1  Sources include: Cookson, C. (2015) ‘Guildford’s SSTL leads world in small satellite supply’,
                                Financial Times, 12 June; The Economist (2015) ‘The pioneer of small satellites is laying plans
                                for the infrastructure and services needed for travel to other planets’, 30 May; SSTL (2015)
                                Corporate brochure, ‘Changing the economics of space–SSTL is the world’s premier provider
                                of small satellite missions and services’.
                             2  For further details of the origin of this concept see: Moore, J. F. (1993) ‘Predators and Prey:
                                A New Ecology of Competition’, Harvard Business Review, May–June.
                             3  Moore, J. F. (1993) op. cit.
                             4  Example courtesy of Dr Mark Johnson, Warwick Business School.
                             5  Sources include: Butler, S. (2014) ‘Rana Plaza disaster marked by Oxford Street demonstration’,
                                The Guardian, Thursday 24 April; The Economist (2013) ‘Disaster at Rana Plaza–A gruesome
                                accident should make all bosses think harder about what behaving responsibly means’, 4 May;
                                The Economist (2013) ‘Bangladesh’s clothing industry– Bursting at the seams’, 26 October.
                             6  Sources include: Burton, G. (2013) ‘ARM vs Intel: a battle of business models’, Computing
                                29 May; Turley, J. (2014) ‘Intel vs. ARM: Two titans’ tangled fate’,, created
                                27 February.
                             7  Sources include: Bearne, S. (2016) ‘Is the ‘gig economy’ turning us all into freelancers?’, BBC
                                News website 20 May; O’Connor, S. (2016) ‘The gig economy is neither “sharing” nor “collabo-
                                rative”’, Financial Times, 14 June; The Economist (2010) ‘Laid-off lawyers, cast-off consultants’,
                                21 January, Pangea3 website, 2010.
                             8  Parkhe, A. (1993) ‘Strategic Alliance Structuring: a game theoretic and transaction cost exam-
                                ination of interfirm co-operation’, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 36, pp. 794–829.
                             9  Child, J. and Faulkner, D. (1998) Strategies of co-operation: Managing alliances, networks and joint
                                ventures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
                             10  This example kindly supplied by Professor Nigel Pye, Essex Business School. With thanks to
                                Cooper Bikes for their cooperation.
                             11  Lee, H.L., V. Padmanabhan and S. Whang (1997) ‘The bull whip effect in supply chains’, Sloan
                                Management Review, Spring, pp. 93–102.
                             12  Sellers, P. (1992) ‘The dumbest marketing ploy’, Fortune, 126, (5), pp. 88–93.
                             13  Lee, H.L. et al., op. cit.
                             14  Fisher, M.L. (1997) ‘What is the right supply chain for your product?’, Harvard Business Review,
                                March–April, pp. 105–116.
                             15  Hendricks, K. and Singhal, V.R. (2005) ‘The effect of supply chain disruptions on long-term
                                shareholder value, profitability, and share price volatility’, Production and Operations Manage-
                                ment, 14 (1), pp. 35–52.
                             16  Sources include: The Economist (2011) ‘Broken links – The disruption to manufacturers world-
                                wide from Japan’s disasters will force a rethink of how they manage production’, 31 March;
                                BBC (2011) ‘Sony considers two-week shutdown due to power shortages Production at some of
                                Japan’s biggest companies has been affected by power shortages’, BBC News website, 11 April;
                                BBC (2011) ‘Toyota motors has suspended production at most of its plants in Japan and also
                                reduced output at its North American and European factories’, BBC News website, 11 April.

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