Page 353 - Operations Strategy
P. 353

328 CHAPTER 9 • THE PRoCEss of oPERATions sTRATEgy –  foRmulATion And imPlEmEnTATion
                           sustainable alignment between operations resource capabilities and market require-
                           ments. We also stressed the difficulty of achieving alignment because of uncertain
                           markets and operations resource capabilities. In Figure 9.6, moving along the market
                           requirements dimension indicates a change in intended market performance. Moving
                           along the operations resource capabilities dimension indicates changes in operations
                             Using this model gives us a starting point for understanding the purpose of the opera-
                           tion’s degree of change involved in the strategy implementation. It is important to
                           be clear regarding how much change is intended. So, if, on Figure 9.6, point A is the
                           current operations strategy and point B is the intended operations strategy, it is neces-
                           sary to develop an understanding of current and intended market requirements and
                           operations resource capabilities. Certainly, without such an understanding, it is exceed-
                           ingly difficult to expect the whole organisation to comprehend why, how and how
                           much things are going to change when the new strategy is implemented. Yet, providing
                           guidance to those who will be carrying out the implementation is not a straightfor-
                           ward task. We are again confronted with the tensions between seeing strategy as a plan
                           that provides a ‘grand design’ for the operation on one hand, and seeing strategy as an
                           emergent process that takes full account of the experiences that are derived from the

                         Figure 9.6  implementing an operations strategy that involves moving from A to B
                         means understanding current and intended market requirements and operations
                         resource capabilities so that the extent and nature of the change can be assessed

                                     Intended market  requirements        Line of fit  B

                                 Level/nature of market requirements  Extent and nature of market  requirements change

                                     Current market  requirements  A  Extent and nature of operations

                                                           resource capability change

                                              Current resource                Intended resource
                                                 capability                      capability
                                                Level/nature of operations resource capability

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