Page 10 - PSK Q2_2022_Thomas Ilinkovski
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Our investment Investment policy
The investment policy details a core set of
principles that guide the development and
process management of your investment portfolio.
Principle 1: Preservation of capital
PSK Portfolio Solutions focus on the The most fundamental principle of
following four key areas: investing is the preservation of capital.
1. transparency; you see what you Capital is not invested unless the expected
own. return compensates for any risk taken.
2. flexibility around asset allocation Principle 2: Diversification
and investment selection.
3. professional management through One of the most effective ways to manage
full resourcing, as the portfolios are risk is through portfolio diversification. This
managed by a dedicated involves holding a sufficiently broad range
investment professional. of assets, investment management styles
4. security; no unnecessary risks are and investment managers to reduce the
taken to achieve the goals. potential risks resulting from high exposure
to one particular asset or investment.
The investment process is guided by a
clear investment policy and selection
process, that are outlined below.