Page 5 - PSK Q2_2022_Thomas Ilinkovski
P. 5

Market                                          mounting global recession concerns which
                                                               do not seem to be abating (quick enough).

               commentary                                      The fallout has basically been mass
                                                               hysteria, with central banks, including the
                                                               RBA, scrambling to control rising inflation
               Below is a summary and highlights from          with higher-than-expected rate hikes. This
               the movements this quarter and major            has played havoc with Australia’s most
               changes to some of the key asset areas:         important sector, the housing market
               Australian equities                             where fixed rate mortgages due to roll-over
                                                               into higher variable rates will potentially
               The Australian equity market (as measured       increase the downside risk to prices
               by the S&P/ASX 200) recorded its biggest        (declines have been steadily increasing)
               monthly decline since March 2020, falling       and more importantly the construction
               (-8.8%) in June to extend its quarterly loss    sector and consumer spending. Hopefully
               to (-11.9%), its worse loss since the March     the re-opening of Australian borders will
               quarter 2020. Fearing aggressive monetary       pave the way for the increase in net
               tightening policy and the risk of recession,    migration overseas students.
               every sector bar two (Energy and Utilities      At the sector level, as expected, the
               eking out small gains) were violently sold-     Energy sector (+1.7%) and the defensive
               off as fundamentals were tossed aside and       Utilities sector (+1.7%) were the only two
               indiscriminate selling took control. The        sectors to be in the black for the quarter.
               June quarter was again dominated by the         Best performing of the rest included
               conflict in Russia and Ukraine which added      Industrials (-1.4%) and Healthcare (-1.9%).
               further fuel to the ever-increasing             The biggest laggard, as longer-duration
               geopolitical tensions occurring globally,       growth assets were sold-off because of
               China forcing mass lockdowns of major           interest rate hikes was Information
               hubs due to further Covid outbreaks and         Technology (-27.2%). Rising rates and the
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