Page 6 - PSK Q2_2022_Thomas Ilinkovski
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threat of recession also resulted in Real       2020, whilst the tech heavy Nasdaq slid (-
               Estate (-17.8%) and Consumer                    22.4%) - its worst quarterly stretch since
               Discretionary (14.9%) falling sharply.          2008: both in US dollar terms. In AUD
                                                               terms, falls respectively of (-8.5%) and (-
               The advantages of Value orientated              15.1%), currency movement proved to be a
               companies in rising rate environments
               didn’t quite come to fruition (broadly)         strong attributor for unhedged strategies as
               during the quarter (relatively outperformed     the Aussie dollar fell sharply during the
               Growth though) as all style factors were
               punished whilst the whole market cap            In Australian dollar terms, the broader
               spectrum – from large (-10.6%), mid (-          global equity market (MSCI World NR
               14.7%) and small (-20.4%) – also sold-off       AUD) lost (-8.5%); Eurozone equities
               as heightening volatility and “risk-off”        (STOXX Europe 600 NR), continues to
               mentality gripped investors.                    experience steep declines as the war in
               International equities                          Ukraine continues and concerns mounting
                                                               over potential gas shortages and recession
               Global equity markets continued to weaken       fell (-7.2%); Emerging Markets (MSCI EM
               over the June quarter experiencing the          Index) however held up relatively well (-
               same vicious selling pressures as the           3.3%), mainly due to China, the FTSE
               domestic market. The first six months can       China 50 USD TR shot up (+12.9%), as
               best be characterised by the fastest rate-      lockdowns were eased, economic
               hiking cycle in decades - to combat levels      indicators and manufacturing metrics
               of inflation not seen this century -            picked up, the People's Bank of China
               continuing market turbulence and a war          (PBOC) kept its key monetary policy rates
               that could be drawn for longer than most        steady and President Xi reaffirming
               people expected, that has spurred               massive stimulus packages for the H2.
               spiralling inflation and leaving investors      ASEAN fared much better relative to Latin
               wounded and to contemplate what’s               America, which continue to be dragged
               installed for the remainder of the year and     down by sovereign uncertainty, trade and
               beyond. What is arguably the key is that        currency depreciation (especially in Brazil).
               central bank policy will play a large role in   US dollar strength continues to be the
               the potential outcomes of the global            broader EM headwind.
               markets (and economies) in H2.
                                                               Property & Infrastructure
               Quarterly performance across regions            The Australian listed property sector
               suffered significant losses as hawkish          (S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT) continues its
               central banks implemented aggressive
               tightening policies hell-bent on stifling       horror run to the year falling a further (-
                                                               17.7%) to be down (-23.5%) for the six-
               inflation at the cost of economic growth. As
               prices continued to be exorbitant (based on     month period. This is largely due to the
               a never-ending zero-rate environment),          ongoing rise in ‘real’ yields and the rising
                                                               risk of recession.
               and earnings expectations hence not being
               adjusted for the rising the risk of inflation,   Global listed property (unhedged) returned
               US markets continued on the merry way           (-9.4%), for the quarter, (-15.4%) year to
               (US PE ratio, based on forward earnings,        data, considerably outperforming the
               measured circa 22 times at the beginning        domestic market. The speed and level of
               of the year) until reality bit hard seeing      increase in real interest rates over the
               historical weekly losses in mid-June. By        quarter has de-rated listed REITs globally
               June end, after two hefty rate increases by     (especially in the US) while the sector also
               the Fed, the second of 0.75% being the          continues to be weighed down by issues
               largest since 1994 and bringing the Feds        surrounding the China property sector.
               cash rate to a range of 1.5%-1.75%, this        The good news is that most REITS are
               ratio had dropped to 16.5 times by the end      now trading below the net asset values
               of June with many tipping the rot has not       which will possibly provide positive trading
               ended. The S&P 500 lost (-16.4%) - its          opportunities for the remainder of the year.
               worst quarter since the March quarter of
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