Page 7 - Harrison Manufacturing Salary Continuance Insurance
P. 7
Paralysis* 60 months
Loss of both feet or both hands # 24 months
Loss of any combination of two of:
• a hand 24 months
• a foot
• sight of an eye #
Loss of one leg or one arm # 12 months
Loss of one foot or one hand or sight in one eye # 12 months
Loss of thumb and index finger of the same hand # 6 months
Fractures of the:
• thigh or pelvis 3 months
• leg (between and not including the knee and foot), or knee cap 2 months
• upper arm including the elbow and shoulder bone 2 months
• skull (except bones of the nose or face) 2 months
• lower arm (including wrist but excluding the elbow, hand and fingers) 1.5 months
• jaw or collarbone 1.5 months
* Paralysis means the total and permanent loss of function of two or more limbs.
# Loss means either the:
• total & permanent loss of the use and control of the hand from the wrist, or foot from the ankle joint
• complete severance of the thumb and index finger from the first phalangeal joint
• irrecoverable total loss of an eye of the sight in an eye
^ Fracture means any fracture that requires a pin, traction, a plaster cast or other immoblising structure.
The diagnosis of the specific injury must be made by a specialist medical practitioner and
confirmed by the insurer’s medical adviser.
If the insured member is disabled at the end of the nominated payment period during which a
Specific Injury Benefit was paid and the benefit period had not ended, the insurer will waive the
waiting period for the disability benefit in respect of the insured member.
Harrison Manufacturing | 07