Page 8 - Harrison Manufacturing Salary Continuance Insurance
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            ESCALATION BENEFIT                                RECOVERY ASSISTANCE BENEFIT
            12 months after an insured member has been        If you are receiving a Total Disability Benefit, and
            continuously on claim for a disability benefit    become totally and permanently disabled within
            (including Specific Injury Benefits), the monthly   12 months of the date of disability, the insurer
            benefit will be increased by the lesser of the    will pay an additional lump sum amount as
            annual CPI increase or 5%.  The adjusted benefit   indicated in the table below:
            will be similarly increased upon the expiry of
            each 12 month period for which an insured
            member is continuously on claim for a disability    AGE NEXT BIRTHDAY        AMOUNT OF
            benefit (including Specific Injury Benefit).        AS AT THE DATE           THE RECOVERY
                                                                YOU CEASED WORK          ASSISTANCE BENEFIT
                                                                Up to age 56             $50,000
                                                                57                       $45,000
            An amount equal to 1/30 of the monthly benefit
            is payable to you for each day, after the first     58                       $40,000
            three consecutive days, an insured member is:       59                       $35,000
            •   totally disabled during the waiting period      60                       $30,000
            •   confined to bed or hospitalised for more than   61                       $25,000
                three consecutive days on the advice of the
                insured member’s medical practitioner, and      62                       $20,000

            •   in receipt of full-time nursing care which is   63                       $15,000
                certified by the insured member’s medical       64                       $10,000
                practitioner as necessary for the treatment     65                       $5,000
                of the insured member’s disability, provided
                the nursing care is performed by a registered
                and qualified nurse who does not normally     The Recovery Assistance Benefit is payable in
                reside in the same household and who is not   addition to any other benefits which may be
                a relative of the insured member.             payable under the policy.
            The Nurse Care Benefit is payable for a
            maximum of 30 days, or until the expiry of the
            waiting period, whichever occurs first.

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