Page 9 - Harrison Manufacturing Salary Continuance Insurance
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BENEFIT EXCLUSIONS To exercise the Continuation Option you must:
Benefits are not payable for disability or loss • be 60 years of age or less
arising from: • apply in writing by completing an application
• war, or an act of war, occurring in Australia or for the individual policy within 90 days of
New Zealand ceasing employment
• an insured member engaging in war service • be an Australian resident or holder of a visa
• an insured member’s intentional self-inflicted the insurer (OnePath) considers acceptable,
act and
• pregnancy, unless the insured member is • not residing outside Australia (unless the
disabled for more than three months after insurer OnePath agree otherwise)
the end of the pregnancy, in which case the PSK Financial Services is available to assist you
waiting period is deemed to start on the later to apply for continuation of cover.
of the date total disability begins and the end
of the pregnancy
Any claim benefit received by you is regarded
HOW IS A CLAIM INITIATED? as income and as such, is fully taxable. Benefit
Notice of a potential claim should be made to payments are assessed as ordinary income,
your employer as soon as possible. Claim forms taxed at your marginal income tax rate.
must be completed within 30 days of the insured
member first becoming disabled or as soon as it
is reasonably possible for the insured member to POLICY STATEMENT
do so. The Harrison Group Salary Continuance
Insurance benefit is a group policy. As such
individuals insured by the policy do not receive a
CAN COVERAGE UNDER THE PLAN BE personalised statement of cover. PSK Financial
TERMINATED? Services is available to confirm your cover, or
Except as noted below, your coverage will assist with any other questions, at any time.
generally not be terminated while you continue to
remain an employee of Harrison Manufacturing.
Coverage will terminate if you cease to be
employed by Harrison Manufacturing, you die,
you attain age 65, or the plan is terminated.
You may apply to continue your Salary
Continuance Insurance personally with the
insurer upon ceasing employment with Harrison
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