Page 3 - 0611_雲林廠商手冊內頁送印
P. 3
Rihsin Food Industry Cooperation
日新人,有執著堅定的個性,不為繁華所動,只默默 The people in Rihsin are persistent and humble;
耕耘自己的土地,持信念、夠韌性,一生專注傳承台 they just cultivate their own land with silence,
灣好味道。日新蔭油採用天然純黑豆,遵循古法陶缸 upholding position with faith; they inherit taste
釀製。民國三十二年黃阿堅先生於土庫鎮內創立,貨 unique to Taiwan throughout their life. Rihsin Sauce
真價實、精醇又道地的美味飄香,總是吸引鄉里街鄰 is brewed with natural black soya bean in an ancient
上門捧場,當時還贏得了「豆油堅仔」美名。 earthen jar. Rihsin Food Industry Cooperation was
established by Mr. Huang, A-Jien in Tuku Township in
1943; genuine product with affordable price, refined
and local flavor always attracted the neighbors on
the streets in the village to buy, and he also won the
reputation of "Sauce Jien".
將在家家戶戶的廚房飄香百年,在你我的心口香傳千 The second generation, Mr. Huang, Sheng-Jiao, who
里。 has grown up with the smell of beans and learned
everything next to the sauce jar; the third generation,
[ 捧在掌上的傳承,於執著中醞釀飄香 ]
Mr. Huang, Hang-Yang, retains anciently sweet smell
of sauce unique to all with inherited precious hand
making skills that sweet, pure feeling and cordial
emotion releases in the mouth, and spreads in your
120 天日曬釀造,在晨露中喚醒豆香,精萃出光陰荏
mind gradually, which becoming cultural offering
of Tuku peculiarly. With in-depth emotion for the
[ 獨特光亮色澤,映照餐桌溫暖燈光 ]
homeland, Rihsin Sauce is enriched with the smell
親手傳遞的滴滴香濃,單純只為美味而釀,繁複古法, nurtured by the sky and earth; it will spread the smell
守護最初的堅持,嫻熟巧妙手法,悉心日夜呵護,一 in the kitchen at home of everyone for a century
切恰到好處,釀出香滿心頭的美好。 of years, spreading it in our minds and mouths
throughout thousands of miles.
632 雲林縣虎尾鎮建國路八號
No.8, Jianguo Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886-5-6622622 +886-5-6622510
@ථ؍˓̅ʫ˖ JOEE ɨʹ