Page 18 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 18
Submission Information Package (SIP Preparation )
➢ Procedure for Integration of Digitized Legacy Records-
The SP have to organize the digitized files of legacy records case wise in
separate folders by following standard naming conventions.
The digitized records arranged as above are sent to High Court JDR on
monthly basis by storing it on offline storage media.
High Court JDR makes the digitized records available through Judicial
Digital Preservation System (JDPS), which is accessible online.
The court officials / data entry operators can log into JDPS and access
their digitized records online.
The data entry operators generate CNR number for the digitized record,
enter the preservation metadata and link the digitized records using JDPS.
The court officials can check the CNR number, metadata, linked digitized
records and approve the ingest for preservation. They can also correct and
revise the information or reject in case of gross inaccuracies.